Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dallas Texas for example could owe --the first day -- 20 million dollars in those "pre-payment approach" taxes on wages, pensions, and capital expenditures.   Those are just some of the taxes that Fairtax hustlers injected into their goofy fine print 

Even more absurd -- no one told  Dallas.  Fairtax never told anyone.   No one told Pougkepsie, Keokuk, Steamboat Springs,  San Francisco, or any city.

No one told states either.  So Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Maine, etc, would not even know about it, much less pay it.   And when they found out (don't worry, Fairtax own hustlers don't dare pass it) they would just ignore it.  They don't have to pay and they wont.

Same thing with counties -- all parishes, all library districts, all park districts, on and on.

And of course -- no one told cancer victims.

Yet all these taxes are there.  Yes, they are.  In very clever math equations  -- they are there.  In  very clever fine print nonsense -- they are there.

Never in one place - never clearly (quite the opposite).  But someplace, in their own documents,  a few words here, a h hilarious math equation there,  a footnote,  they are there.

A retail sales tax of about 35% could theoretically replace the income tax alone -- but all other taxes would still apply.

Fairtax hustlers told us those other taxes would be gone too.  That's  simply a lie.  If they only replaced income tax for  35% sales tax, the other taxes remain, Social Security, Medicare, Corporate taxes, etc. 

Even then,  a 35% sales tax would be crushing to millions of people, and decimate retail sales.  That 35% tax (just to replace income taxes) would be more like 45% anyway, as state and local sales tax would apply.

A 45% sales tax  would be preposterous of course, and destroy the economy.  




 The deception is in the text in HR 25 -- such as their definition of a person, and the statement all governments are  a (special) kind of "person."   Special in the sense government "persons" must pay taxes on wage, pension and capital expenditures.

Notice the cover page in HR25?

 Right off the bat -- HR 25 hustle is a  deception,  a lie.
The lie is --  -- that they are a simple retail sales tax -- but  that is not in the legislation!!

Very important -- no where in the legislation e legislation itself.   They say that lie millions of time in their hustle -- but it's on the cover page -- cleverly.  

How clever is that ?  The COVER  page says it - by quoting someone else!  Fairtax says "Stakeholders are saying."  

But it does NOT say that inside  HR25



Then in their own HR25 "Principles of Interpretation"  they tell you -- very slick -- that all consumption is taxed "without exception."   

 They made it sound  wonderful - but as you will see that means all  cities, all states, all federal gov agency  are taxed on their " wage and pension expenditures

As you will see the the fuckers use  this -- to fool  you.   They gold folks at least a million times it's a very simple retail tax,   but the fuckers NEVER TOLD ANYONE in a clear way that Chicago City council would owe over 1 billion dollar in "fairtax taxes"   


All cities --all counties -- all states  IN ADVANCE

cancer victims are taxed "without exception"

As shown, all cities would be taxed on all wage pension and capital expenditures "without exception."   But they did tell you, right?

You of course had no idea that meant all cities must pay a tax -- without exception -- on all wages, pensions, and capital expenditures. Pay out 50 million and -- without exception -- your city owes 11.5 million.  

But they told you "without exception".    And that's exactly what their math is -- without exception, all city county and states wages are taxed, ect.,

Without exception, all cancer victims are taxed.

All kinds of things are taxed that can not be, will not be taxed, because they are goofy and deceptive. But math wise -- that's all taxed "without exception."

The big part of their hustle is the "tie in" to their goofy research. 

 are in the goofy research docs.   But that's where the worst of the crap is -- in their hilarious "research" documents Fairtax suckers don't even know exists.

All  wages paid out -- all compensation whatsoever -- paid out by city county and states are  taxed.  The city must pay these -- all cities. And it would be massive taxes.

All states. All counties.  We will go into this deeper, below.

The point is, within a few hours all hell would break lose, which Fairtax hustlers know well. That's why they dare not pass their own goofy hustle. 

It's  not a tax code. It's a fund raising scam that sounds great.

But it sounds great because they lie their asps off, by being deliberately deceptive.  These other taxes are there -- we show you.  But Fairtax suckers were never told about them - naturally. In fact Fairtax suckers (I was one, remember?) are told the opposite.

Our present tax code can not be fixed, it has to be thrown out completely, every word, every page.

If Fairtax fraud is the best we can do -- fraud or not - then we can laugh at ourselves, and not be so easily duped next time...  we can start over, because this would help  even Trump supporters to see the need to read the fine print and check the math.


How amazing was Fairtax,  back in the day!

Finally there was group - Fairtax.org - that had a great, researched tax code.  22 million in research!  Just a retail sales tax. We pay the tax voluntarily -- we choose what to buy, and pay a tax only when we buy a new product or service!

That replaces all income taxes, all Social Security, all withholding from our paycheck!  

Prices go down 22%, pay checks go up an average of 50%

 And we get pay check FROM the government every month to pay those taxes!

And best of all -- they have 22 million dollars of research, right?

They even have a "Dare to Compare" Calculator.  

That could not all be a goofy ass fraud, right?

They have  research, right?   There is an office somewhere, researchers somewhere, a calculator somewhere, people somewhere to created a simple retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes, right?

Uh -- not so much.  I contacted some of these researchers -- they not only were not for Fairtax in some cases,  in almost all cases they did not even know what Fairtax taxed. 

Only one guy I contacted even knew what fairtax taxed for most of their revenue.   There was no research, per the legal definition of research at all.   I don't mean the research papers were flawed or in error.... I mean there was no research.

There was a group of papers, clever as hell, that were           the OPPOSITE of a simple retail sales tax. There are massive goofy taxes  much much larger than their retail sales tax.

The retail sales tax is only a small part of it.   They have massive other taxes  in the math equations and they put those in their fine print in a clever, we say fraudulent way -a way designed to fool you, not inform me





As great as Fairtax hustle sounds, when you understand the details and math,  it's not a tax code at all.  It's goofy, preposterous -- like taxing mooning beams and baby farts for 3.7 Trillion, but claiming you have  millions of dollars of research to prove it's  mathematically rational.

they never intended the fraud to pass,  but did intend to raise money from suckers.  Steve Hayes, great guy, big smile, leads the fund raising hustle. 

We can donate to them --  Steve takes care of the big donors personally,  as one document showed.  And why not?

Steve  Hays, number 1 guy at Fairtax!


This "DONATE NOW" flag -- and lie that Fairtax is a retail sales tax on personal consumption,  at one time was the first thing everyone saw on Fairtax web sites.

Gee, I wonder why -- an appeal for donation, and distortion right off the bat.  Steve was not kidding around.    He was after those donations. 


Neal Boortz and others insisted  prices go down 22% (seems like they liked the number 22)

Pay goes up -- 50% average increase in take home pay.  All of this is proven, they are not just throwing around figures!  22 million in research.


Fairtax is different  --  they didn't want their fraud to pass.  They want to raise money on it, apparently.

    Fairtax # 1 SLOGAN .       

    Fairtax # 2 SLOGAN:   22 Million in research!  


   Neal Boortz: "Fairtax is the most researched economic plan in history."  Twenty two  million dollars of research by eighty independent economists.  Naturally they did this research to "save America."

Who would lie about THAT?   I contacted some of these "economists"  who did this "research."

Only one of them I contacted, as you will see, had any idea (!) what Fairtax even taxed. 

Only one knew about the taxes on government wage, pension and capital expenditures.

After about ten such contacts,  I didn't bother with more. It was clear these folks were in no way part of creating anything, they had apparently given approval for consideration of such taxes, or signed on to the hustle somehow, but in no way created it.

Some were embarrassed they ever expressed any approval for such a hustle, and it was now clear they were fooled.

Yet these other taxes -- other than retail sales, of which the tax on all government wage, pension and capital expenditures are but a mart -- are by far the largest taxes in Fairtax.

They did not know the biggest taxes!

The above page -- Fairtax official document -- shows as closely as you can get these massive taxes on city county and states.So they did list it somewhere. But in deceptive ways, and never in their books, videos or speeches, etc.

Even there it is not clear.  But it's there.

Fairtax use a few words here, a few there -- that reveal, in deceptive ways, the massive other taxes. So you can't say they lied, right, if they told  you in a very tricky way?

We think that is lying, because it was so deliberate and well calculated.  Over time, in sophisticated ways, never saying things candidly, always giving a different or opposite impression.

Only in a few words, here and there -- and in documents Fairtax suckers never would likely know existed, much less read them, and then much less saw the hustle, because how clever they were in deception.,

But Fairtax hustlers never, and this is most important, never put the honest facts in their books, videos, speeches. Not once, not in 16 years. In fact they made sure -- as best they could - that you did not know that the biggest taxes in this goofy hustle has nothing to do with sales, nor retail.



"For the federal government, NIPA Table 6.2D, line 87 (salary and wages) is divided by the federal government tax base (G) to give the portion of the tax base that comprises wages and salaries. 

"This percentage is subtracted from 100 percent to obtain the value of non-wages in the tax base.

 "The process is repeated for state and local governments, NIPA 6.2D, line 92, except that wages and salaries for education, line 94, ($403)


You probably have no clue what they are talking about.... and that's by design.  

They just told you, sorta, in their own deceptive way, that they tax all city county and state wages (and pensions, and all compensation) except for wages for teachers.

So if your city pays out wages and pensions and any compensation of, say 50 million, your city would owe 23% tax on that.

Twenty three percent (it's actually 30, but we let that go) the tax would be 11.5 million.

No, your city can not deduct that 11.5 million,  your city has to pay the 50 million and AND send in "remit" 11.5.

Oh and get this -- your city is supposed to "raise their tax rates" to pay it.


So all other -- remember this -- all other wages, pensions, compensations to all city county state and federal employees (including soldiers, the military!) is taxed.

So the monies paid to, or paid to compensate  these firemen, soldiers, judges, retirees, whatever -- are taxed. No, the employee does not pay them.  The city county state and federal government must pay them. That's profoundly goofy

Your state could easily owe 900 million....  California would owe an estimated 20 billion, it's expenditures are so large.

Texas over 16 billion.

Quincy Illinois, a small city, over 12 million.

On and on and on.

Sound like a simple retail tax to you?


And then -- they cleverly say city county and states should raise their tax rates to pay it!

The only thing more goofy.....hey pretend, in their math, as if all these monies will be paid.The city county and state is supposed to pay it -- and raise their tax rates by that much!

Of course they don't say "we pretend."  They say "we assume."

But spoken bluntly, they do pretend all these monies will be available for the fed government to spend. 

 And they know that's nonsense.  No city, much less all cities, will pay any of this. Same with counties, same with states. But they told  you.  Yes, they did.  Sorta. 



"For the federal government, NIPA Table 6.2D, line 87 (salary and wages) is divided by the federal government tax base (G) to give the portion of the tax base that comprises wages and salaries. 

This percentage is subtracted from 100 percent to obtain the value of non-wages in the tax base.

 The process is repeated for state and local governments, NIPA 6.2D, line 92, except that wages and salaries for education, line 94, ($403)

See it yourself 

Notice that little doozie is in a footnote!

Massive taxes on all city county and states on all wages, which would be billions of dollars of wages taxed (the employee doesn't pay, the city county and state owe that) .

Not only a footnote, but in a document you  are not told existed, and a goofy deceptive way.


You probably have no clue what they are talking about.... and that's by design.  Read it again.



 They just told you, sorta, that they tax all city county and state wages (and pensions, and all compensation) except for wages for teachers.

And -- they cleverly say city county and states should raise their tax rates to pay it!

Then they pretend all these monies will be available for the fed government to spend. 



These are the taxes that is in their fine print -- and the people I contacted that supposedly "created" it -  had no clue existed, even David Kendall did not know,  he was their spokesmen for about a year..

David didn't know because no one showed him the documents.

Let me repeat this -- folks Fairtax hustlers listed as the
"Eighty economists" that I contacted  overwhelmingly did not know what they even taxed!

They were not shown these documents.  They only knew the slogans.   (Specifically they did not know about the massive other taxes, on top of retail sales taxes.)

Fairtax hustlers have since taken down such claims,.

David insisted he knew all the "fine print"  - but he never bothered to read these things closely, because he did not know  they even existed.....until we sent them to him.



Only one guy knew,  that we talked to (by email).

His name was Laurence Kotlikoff. 

 More about  "Larry"  below.  By the way, Larry ran for President the same time he pushed Fairtax hustle. 

Kotlikoff would run for President -- 2016.  

Oddly not a word about Fairtax then.

 Larry seemed abrupt, rude, and in our opinion, eager to NOT answer questions about Fairtax  -- he was not about to explain these massive other taxes.  He knew exactly what these other taxes were -- he wrote the math equations and fine print, or was on team of hustlers who did .

* Larry if you read this --please let us know your side to the story and if we are wrong about what you wrote, and what is in Fairtax math equations, let us know and we will gladly correct it. 


I loved Fairtax -- until I read the fine print. Nothing sounded better!


 Yes they have a retail sales tax.   But they have massive -- massive -- other taxes they had to put in the fine print and math equations.

The retail sales tax would only be  1.26 Trillion. 

✔️Their other taxes that they put deceptively in the fine print and math are 3.7 Trillion. (Laurence Kotlikoff was involved in that  - meaning his writings show, deceptively as he could make it, the other taxes, but they are there.)

✔️These other taxes are goofy, and impossible (not difficult) to collect.(Laurence Kotlikoff was involved in that)

✔️ You can find these other taxes yourself, if you have time and  the education to do so.

✔️ President Bush Tax Panel ( and others) found the massive other taxes in the fine print and math equations in 2005.

As you will see - "we assume state and local governments will raise their tax rates"  are massive tax increases at all levels.  

But they told us.  Sorta. 

I show you what they tax for 3.7 Trillion.



Let's be clear -- if  somehow this absurdity passed (it won't) we would pay not only the retail sales tax of 1.26 Trillion, but  also the massive other taxes, that total 3.7 Trillion

They can only collect 1.26T on a retail sales tax of 23%, because of MATH!.   5.5 Trillion in retail sales X 23% = 1.26 Trillion.

Within hours, of course,  if Fairtax passed, there would be an uproar. City county and states -- who are  never told in any rational way -- would suddenly owe massive "pre-payment" taxes on all their capital spending. Hilarious. 

And a tax of 23% on all their wages.

And a tax of 23% on all their pensions.

And a tax of 23% on all their capital expenditures.

Which is exactly why Fairtax is not about to pass their own hustle.  It's not and never was  tax code..... it's a fund raising scam. 


In  fairtax math equations, there is no distinction between taxes that are impossible to pay (like a cancer victim with little or no income) from taxes that are rational and logical (like a 4 dollar taxes on a fast food lunch)





This document is available HERE 

Fairtax, the document says "adopts a pre-payment approach to taxing government investment .... because otherwise that would not be taxed."

We can't figure out which is funnier -- and they had to be laughing.  That they "adopt" a pre -payment "approach"  or the reason for this....

"because otherwise that would not be taxed" 

Well that's true.  If they did not tax it, it would not be taxed.

What are they taxing "pre-payment" approach? Lol... government investments -- capital gains, and by the way, they apply this to wages, pensions and employee compensation too -- it's all goofy.  Every word is goofy, because this is a goofy fund raising fraud, not a tax code.




For the state of Texas, for example, their tax could be 16 billion, which is roughly 23%  of their total taxable expenditures.

California state government would owe over 20 billion.

All cities, counties, townships,  park districts, all government entities whatsoever,  are taxed 23%, too, the same rate you would pay on purchase of a new jacket or house or cancer surgery.

If you went by the slogans -- you had to be fooled, because the slogans are the hustle.     Yes, the retail sales tax may be the largest single tax, depends how you categorize the revenue.

But the retail sales tax overall, is only a small part.

Only a small part of Fairtax is that retail sales tax.


That's the fraud -- not the retail sales tax, but the hidden, goofy, hilarious other taxes they made sure you did not know.



Mike Huckabee, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz,  open rallies for "Fairtax."  They opened the  with a prayer, in front of a large American flag.  Boortz had private jets at his disposal to push this great sounding fraud.

Fairtax well funded -- apparently.  This is besides their supposed "22 million in research."


Retail sales tax in only a small part of what they taxThey have massive other taxes, much larger than retail sales tax, in the fine print and math equations.


  President Bush Tax Panel found, easily enough for them,  the fine print and math equations,  and exposed Fairtax in a polite way in 2005.   We expose Fairtax goofy hustle here, but not politely.

The Bush Tax Advisory Panel found the 3.7 Trillion dollars in "other taxes" (adjusted here for inflation since 2005).

The Bush Tax Panel found that Fairtax can only collect 1.26 Trillion in retail sales taxes,  simply because 5.5T in retail sales, taxed 23% =1.26

Since the retail  tax revenue would be 1.26 (in 2019), how the hell does Fairtax pretend to gather almost 5 trillion???


Remember this -- only 1.26T can come from retail sales tax.

But Fairtax has almost 5T of revenue (on paper)!

What, therefore to the tax on top of retail sales?

We show you!  And those other taxes are goofy, hidden, absurd, and nonsense -- which is why they hid these other taxes in preposterous, even hilarious, math equations.


The Bush Tax Advisory Panel were not fooled by the tricky math equations, nor by the fine print. Nor fooled by Fairtax Hustlers fraudulent slogans.

Slogans, in the hands of self confident liars or fools, can and do fool people every day.  Salesmen, politicians, preachers, military recruiters, teachers -- slogans are  not bad, they are what humans use.

We go to war, we kill, we torture, we invade, because of the slogans we believe, or we are told.  Notice   Always the slogans come from self confident hustlers.

And notice the slogans always sound great.  Fairtax, however, has fine print and math equations -- so you can test their bullshit by closely checking out their fine print and math equations.





 Humans are wired to believe self confident men -- for good or ill, that's human nature.

So.  Fairtax  wisely used two things: self confident hustlers, and slogans. 


Fairtax # 1 Hustler/ Fund Raiser. 
Steven  Hayes.  Nice man. 


Fairtax hustlers used slogans to fool the public. They did a good job... we show you the slogans

THESE TRICKY MATH EQUATIONS......Can you decipher any of them?  President Bush Tax Panel found, easily enough for them,  the fine print and math equations,  and exposed Fairtax in a polite way in 200

Probably not.  

How about these? All from Fairtax official documents.

The math equations above are quite the opposite of a simple retail sales tax.

In their equations (and fine print) are 3.7 Trillion in other taxes.  


Fairtax  hustlers back up their slogans with  claims of "research."  To every Fairtax sucker than could even find the "research" it had to look like academic brilliance.  

Actually it was where they hid their fraud - their deceptive math equations and fine print absurdities that, when you decode the bullshit, have massive goofy and impossible other taxes -- 3.7 Trillion in other taxes, on top of, in addition to the retail tax.

The retail sales tax is not the problem.  But it's only 1.26 Trillion. They need to show (so they do, fraudulently) massive other taxes.

Fairtax hustlers did even more than slogans, more than "research" documents.  They created a "Dare to Compare" Calculator. 


I was fooled, too  - by the slogans.  Fooled by that claim of 22 million of research,  that just proved it!  They even listed the names of their "researchers".   That is, until you checked the words they used, even for that list.

Still, out of curiosity --  I did not doubt their honestly -- I read the fine print and check the math.

Wow -- I had to contact a dozen or so of those "researchers" that Fairtax claimed "designed" Fairtax to "Save America"
Only one --  one! -- of the folks they listed as "researchers" knew what Fairtax taxed, per the fine print and math equations. His name is Laurence Kotlikoff.


Kotlikoff knew Fairtax taxes all cancer victims -- without exception --  46,000 dollars if they "consume or use"  200,000 in goods and services, like surgery, chemo,  rehab.  

He knew Fairtax math is based on that because he helped write such tricky deceptions.

Kotlikoff knew that Fairtax math is based on collecting about 50 million dollars from Sioux City Iowa, if their wage, pension, capital spending  and operational expenditures are 210 million dollars.

He knew Fairtax math is based on that because he helped write such tricky deceptions.

Kotlikoff knew that the State of Texas would owe 16 billion dollars,  if their wage, pension, capital spending and operational expenditures are 65 billion dollars.

He knew Fairtax math is based on that because he helped write such tricky deceptions.

Kotlikoff knew that the State of Texas, and Sioux City,  are supposed to raise their tax rates by 16 billion, and 50 million respectively, to pay those taxes to the fed government.

How did Kotlikoff know that? Because he helped write such tricky deceptions.



Fairtax spokesmen,  PhD David Kendall, did not know what Fairtax taxed for most of its revenue.  

David Kendall thought (because the slogans said so, and at a glance, the legislation said so) that Fairtax was a very simple retail sales tax.

No clue -- no where did Fairtax hustlers put a clue, that Fairtax would tax Dallas Texas 140 million or more for their wage, pension, and capital expenditures.  For that, you have to read their hilarious fine print tricks and math equations, and read them carefully.

David of course did not do that.  He went around the country and preached the slogans -- he was not part of the fraud, but he might as well have been. David never told anyone either --that Sioux City Iowa would owe as stunning  40 million, assuming they had 210 million in wage, pension, capital expenditures, etc.

No. Clue.  And these are massive taxes, on top of, much larger than, and paid separately from,  the retail sales tax. Let me repeat -- their own spokesmen had no clue. He was fooled, too.

David had no clue that the State of Texas would owe            16 billion. Yet these taxes are the biggest part of Fairtax -- not the retail sales tax.   David did not know  fine print carefully. He did not untangle the goofy math equations.

It was all there -- every word. Every equation. Every footnote.

But it was there deceptively as you will see.   ... Fairtax hustlers  with Kotlikoff's help, fooled David, too.


Only one person I contacted knew the most basic thing possible -- what they tax.  The names came from a list -- put out by Fairtax.org -- of people that supposed created the "economic plan" .

And only one knew what they taxed. The others were either embarrassed they ever said anything good about it,   or were just suckers that at one time or another got connected to it. But they did not create it, at all.

That one person that knew was one of the hustlers,  is Laurence Kotlikoff, and he worked for Fairtax's public relations company, which is apparently what Beacon Hill was.  

Kotlikoff also ran for President, by the way. Which we find hilarious.  Kotlikoff knew all about the massive goofy other taxes because he actually wrote the goofy nonsense Fairtax hustlers called "research" including the math.

Kotlikoff  of course knew, his job was to insert these other    taxes,  and use tricky ass math equations (which he did) and tricky ass fine print tricks (which he did).

But Kotlikoff never outright lied. He avoided that. 

By "assumtions" by math equations, by misleading fine print ober dicta, by technical jargon Kotlikoff and others could fool anyone who did not   pay very close attention.

Tricky as hell, but they did write it down.

It's important to know this - Kotlikoff did not lie, or make up goofy ass slogans. He never claimed Fairtax was a very simple  retail sales tax, though he bent over backwards to  let suckers think that.  He never said prices drop 22%.  He never said there was 22 million in research.  He never said it was designed to save American.  

The other taxes are IN what  Kotlikoff wrote so cleverly -- deceptively.  It's there.  You can read it.

David Kendall could have read it too - but the thought he knew. He was  proud of knowing so much!  But he knew so little that mattered.


Nor, apparently, did Kotlikoff make up the Calculator fraud, etc.  It was others, like Boortz, Huckabee,  Sean Hannity from FOX,  who told the public these goofy slogans. Others  who did the calculator fraud .

Was it Kotlikoff's fault  you believed the slogans instead of untangling his math equations? (Yes, we think it is his fault, he could have written his hustle candidly, but deliberately did not. That deception is "evidence" of guilt and complicity, in our opinion.)  But you, David Kendall,  and other smart people could have read his BS carefully.

The slogans sound great, though!

Prices drop?  Read Neal Boortz carefully -- for prices to drop, all employees (remember this) all wage earners, will have to allow their employer to keep (you can't make this up) the money you used to pay in taxes.    



Massive advance taxes  in their own official document-- they called it "research."     Hilarious stuff.

 One such Fairtax document.

Check it out yourself.  In a  footnote....  hilarious shit.  Massive advance taxes on all city county and states, for wages, pensions, etc, which they try to slide by by saying "approach"  and "investment" 

See the text  "The Fairtax adopts a prepay approach to taxing government investments [because] otherwise it would not be taxed." 

  Now, that's some funny shit right there.   Massive prepay taxes they "adopt"? And they tax it because, well, otherwise it would not be taxed?

That's funny shit.

And  what the hell do they mean "government investment"?  

As you will see, it when a city, a county  or state spends -- pays out, wage expenditures, pension expenditures, operational expenditures,  capital expenditures -- they owe 23% tax on that.

Pay out 100,000 dollars to a policeman, and the city (not the cop) owes 23% to the fed gov.

Actually 30%,  but Fairtax likes to pretend it's 23, so even letting them pretend that, it's still 23,000 tax that city has to pay to the fed government.

On all wages. On all pensions.  On all compensation benefits whatsoever. 

 Virtually everything any government spends -- but not teacher wages -- is taxed. Operate a prison system for 2 billion a year, your state would have to "remit"  almost 490 million in taxes. A fire department.

A sewer stystem.   Whatever it is, whatever they expend, is "in the tax base".

And here we see, in a footnote, they "adopt a prepayment approach."  That's as funny as any Saturday Night Live Skit.  

That's hilarious. But that's in their documents, with their math.

All cities.  All counties. All states.



An example of their goofy math equations...

Can you even find "retail sales" in their equations? 

No?  Go to that document yourself. You will not find the words "retail sales."

You wont find anything candid. You get these long goofy equations and clever phrases like "we adopt prepay approach"  and another favorite "it's important to consider."

All  goofy nonsense, all dressed up to look academic.

But at least they put it out somewhere,  in goofy double speak meant to fool, yes. But it's there.


 In a deceptive way,  they kinda technically did tell you, if you could 

1) find it

2) Detangle it

3) understand their math absurdities

You probably don't know anyone that can detangle the math equations.

Of course, President Bush Tax Panel -- all Phd level in economic math and fine print bullshit. They saw it right away -- and reported, politely,  it was a fraud.   They did not say fraud in public, but in private Gale said "they lie a lot".


It is "important to consider" Fairtax hustlers wrote,   that wages (and much more) is part of the purchases.

Part of purchases?  

LOL - -these other taxes are MOST of Fairtax.  The retail part is only a tiny part!

So when cities, counties and states pay out wages, when they pay out pensions, when they pay out  capital spending,  that is "purchases" in the deceptive math equations and fine print. 

And by calling them "purchases"  and putting such "purchases" in the "tax base" -- they by definition tax it.

As if the state of Georgia is going to decode that nonsense - which they have no idea even exists -- and send in 4 billion dollars.

As if Floridan state legislature will see decode that  nonsense -- remember, they don't even know it exists-- and send in 7 or 8 billion.

That is just part of the goofy ass nonsense in Fairtax equations and fine print.


Whatever is in "the tax base"  is taxed.  

That is what  tax base literally means!  

Put in the tax base "purple haze"   or "Moon beams"  it means they tax it.  Of course it's goofy, but thats what these guys did, put in goofy impossible things in their math equations.

✔️They knew 99 percent of the public would not even know such documents existed.

✔️And if anyone did find the documents, probably not read them closely.

✔️And if they did read them closely, they would not spot the goofy ass fraud because of the tricky words and math

I spotted it. President Bush Tax Panel spotted it.  

But Fairtax suckers?  No.

Fairtax supporters in Congress?  Did they find these documents and read closely? Not likely.


They define consumption in such a goofy way, in the fine print, but they had to.   

 Very cleverly, in documents you never heard of, they even there are sneaky about it, never candid.  But there the other taxes are.

Like a tax  government military expenditures. A tax on all city county and state wage expenditures, pension expenditures, capital expenditures.... on and on. And on.

Instantly, day one, hilariously every city county and state would owe massive taxes -- in advance! Oh, sorry, they "adopt a prepay approach".   Funny stuff.  But all government investments, and that would include not just capital spending, but wages, pensions, operational expenditures.  They never make it clear in advance or not, on each type of expenditure.

They put this bullshit in a footnote. Hilarious. Think you think city county and states are going to send in hundreds of millions of dollars, billions, in advance or not? Hell no they won't.  No one even told them.  It's not clear anywhere. That any of these other taxes are in Fairtax, virtually no one knows about.  

Goofy as hell.

Fairtax hustlers knew it, of course. They were not stupid. They were deceptive. But the deception is there, in writing, in their math equations, and you can see it. You always could have seen it if you looked carefully and wisely.


There was no research.  We show you what they sold suckers as "research."  

Double talk and goofy ass impossible math is not research - its the fraud.

 In their web pages is their "Dare to Compare Calculator" is as fraudulent but as slick as the rest. The "calculator" simply did not let you enter any information that mattered, as you will  see. 

And their "calculator" would not let you know, either, what they actually tax.  You could  not, it is impossible, to enter into their calculator anything they tax. Not even retail sales.  And of course they were not about to let you enter the massive goofy other "consumption" taxes you would pay.


It does not untax anyone.  A destitute cancer victim who makes 20K a year -- or makes no income, and has no savings, and might be comotose in a nursing home somewhere, would owe 40,000 dollars on their consumption of chemo, surgery, and nursing home care.

No exceptions. 

Why include massive goofy other taxes? 

TO make their fraudulent math seem to work. But see it closely, they do tell you, in a fraudulent way. Their math is correct, if you pretend they can collect 3.7T in impossible other taxes.

Of course, there were no "economist"  designing it to save America - it was put together by hustlers trying to fool the stupid.

It was not a tax code, but a fund raising scam.

It is not a retail sales tax, but a massive goofy bit of nonsense,  with trillions of dollars of impossible taxes. Layers of goofy taxes hidden in the clever fine print and math equations.


If not for those 300 little "words"  and five math equations.   A few words here, a few there, in HR 25 and in their "research."

You have to see the math equations,  AND see the fine print.

No wonder President Bush Tax Panel exposed (politely) the fraud in 2005.

Bush Tax panel sadly did not use the word fraud --they were polite, in public. With academic tone,  they showed the goofy fraud -- 3.7 Trillion dollars in other taxes, in today's dollars.

They showed if  Fairtax only taxed retail sales, the tax would be about 90%.

Not 23% -- about 90.  To be exact, 89%

The other taxes are much much larger than the retail sales tax. The retail sales tax would only bring in 1.26 in retail sales, because the total retail sales are about 5.5T.

Tax that 5.5T by 23%, you get 1.26T.   That would fall far short of what they pretended to get from a retail sales tax, about 5T.

So they inserted massive other taxes,  but just didn't tell you that in any honest way.

For example, not a clear word anywhere about the massive taxes on cities

What Cities have to pay 
For example, not a clear word anywhere about the massive taxes on COUNTIES  

What city county and states would have to pay

For example, not a clear word anywhere about the massive taxes on STATES


No one told any city county or state. It's only fraudelently inserted in the math equations and goofy double speak.   Do you think all these counties cities and states will suddenly see it and pay hundreds of billions of dollars?


And while city county and states COULD theoretically pay, of course destitute cancer victims could  not.  Yet Fairtax math depends -- just like on massive taxes on city county and states, on these other goofy taxes, like on cancer victims.


This is from the official HR25 web page, put out by Rob Woodall. 

 Take a gander   Stakeholders are saying..

Stakeholders are saying..... a single simple visible ... national retail sales tax on goods and services.

Without exception. It does not matter, for Fairtax math, if the breast cancer victim makes 50K a year, or 500K or has no income at all. That consumption is taxed -- without exception.

 Remember that term, "without exception. " 

They told you, right? But you can't know, until you check those 300 other words, and the math equations, what the F they tax "without exception.

So all cancer victims would get a tiny surprise...


Sort of like taxing moonbeams and baby farts for 3.7 Trillion.






You can not find the term "retail sales" in Fairtax documents, together with a number.  They never show you -  they go great lengths to keep suckers stupid about this -- that the retail sales are only a tiny part.

And of course,  they don't show you that the massive other taxes are goofy, as you will see, and are also layers of massive taxes on top of the retail sales tax.

Nothing in these equations is clear, in fact, it's goofy gibberish.  Massive taxes on cancer victims, massive taxes on city county and states.....

And not one clear mention of retail sales.   This is from Beacon Hill, Fairtax's  public relations company.  Beacon Hill did not technically lie,  in that the included the massive other taxes.   But they revealed the massive other taxes as deceptively as they could.   Still, the other taxes are there.

Did you know about the  tax on a city the size of Des Moines tax on 19 million dollars if they "expend" 80 million in wage, pension, and capital expenditures? 

But if you looked closely -- they did tell you that they tax government  wages, and everything that goes along with that -- pensions and benefits. The city does not get to reduce the wages or pensions -- this is a tax the city must pay, on top of paying out the wages, pensions, etc.

They don't ever tell you they tax government wages directly, candidly.  But cleverly, it's there, in the math equations and in the fine print.

Stephen King, by the way,  was a sponsor of Fairtax. Yet he never, ever,  told any city there, any county, or the state itself of these massive other taxes.

King with John Linder, head of Fairtax.

Did King even know about these other questions?

Maybe not, because that that would mean reading the math equations and fine print absurdities, very closely.  

Bottom line -  Fairtax has cascading layers  of massive other taxes -- on top of, in addition to, the retail sales tax.  And these other taxes are much higher than the retail sale tax.

3.7T in other taxes, 1.26T in retail sales tax.

And the other taxes are goofy, preposterous bullshit.


Bruce Bartlett of National Review exposed it, too.

Lest you think I'm the only one to spot these massive other taxes, and the hustle, this was all exposed in 2005 by President Bush Tax Panel. You can spot it too, just read the fine print and math equations very closely. 

The panel was very polite about it -- in public. In private however, William Gail apparently said "they lie a lot."  

And indeed they do.  

When Gail exposed these massive other taxes, politely,  Fairtax hustlers still put out their nonsense anyway, and made it seem like Gail agreed basically agreed with them, just differed on the rate. 

As if the rate of the sales tax was a minor detail.

Gail saw (correctly, the math is not hard) that Fairtax would be 89%, not 23%, if they just taxed retail sales.

That difference -- in todays dollars -- is about 3.7 Trillion.   So Fairtax is  hiding, as preposterous as this may seem, 3.7 Trillion in other taxes.   Even that would not be so bad, if those taxes were possible, if they were rational.  But as you will see, most of those other taxes, if not all, are goofy irrational and silly.

Sort of like taxing moonbeams and baby farts for 3.7 Trillion.

Bruce Bartlett,  of National Review, exposed the same thing about Fairtax hustle  at the time -- that Fairtax had massive goofy other taxes.  Just like Gail and President Bush Tax Panel,  Bartlett explained that if they just taxed retail sales, the rate would be about 90%.

That means -- given an absurd retail sales tax of say 90%,  when you add state and local sales taxes,  millions of people would have to pay over 100% tax on retail items. Of course that is absurd,  which is why Fairtax had to insert the other taxes.


Not just made it seem like a minor detail, but they claimed to suckers that they "built on"  the observations by Gail.  That's funny shit, and in line with the other deceptions by Fairtax hustlers.

  Gail reported the fairtax  rate  -- if they only taxed retail sales -- would by 89%, not 23.  But Fairtax hustlers wrote as if they "built on" observations by Gail. 


 How did Gail spot the hustle (that Fairtax has massive other taxes is the hustle). Not that hard -- the Panel found and read the fine print and math equations carefully.  Not so hard. 



You'd only know that if you checked Fairtax hustlers  clever  math and  fine print, like Bush Tax Panel did, like I did, and like others did. Of COURSE Fairtax hustlers  never told you in a rational,  honest way -- quite the opposite. 

They told in a deceptive way, precisely because if they told you the truth, you would spot the absurd nonsense. 

A quick pekk at Footnote 19 

Footnote 19 is hilarious.    "A Fairtax adopts a "prepayment" approach to taxing government.... because otherwise" that would not be taxed"
  Here is the link to that document 

Massive taxes -- in advance even - -on all city county and states.   What is taxed?  Wage expenditures, pension expenditures, investment expenditures. On an on. And on.

But it sounded great!

What does Fairtax tax government for?  For all wage expenditures, pension expenditures, capital investment expenditures.  And much more.

They  use word "investment" here, but in use,  in their math, it means essentially everything they "expend," not just capital investments. It's never clear what cities are supposed to in advance or not, but all the expenditures are taxed.

Hilarious -- they had to have been laughing, "we adopt a pre-payment approach"

✔️ Dallas Texas city council, for example, would owe over 140 million dollars, much of it in advance (hilarious).    
      ✔️ Think Dallas Texas nor any other city county and state have any idea. Think Dallas city council will write a check pay 140 million dollars - -in advance or not? 

✔️ Think  all cities, all counties, all states will send im massive amounts of money ---  when they had no idea of it, no hint.   The only indication is deceptive nonsense in Fairtax goofy fraudulent fine print and math equations. 


"Slogans by self confident hustlers, and the dupes that believe them,  can make fools of us all."




Even though Fairtax is a goofy fundraising hustle, (not even a tax code) it would be better than what we have.  Seriously, if  this goofy fraud is the best we can do -- I'm all for it.

If this goofy ass fraud, fund raising hustle though it is, we could have a good laugh (at ourselves) and then ask Fairtax hustlers why they lied to us (which they did, as you will see.)

   Spoiler alert:  Boortz "forgot" to tell you   about $3.7 Trillion of other taxes.

A retail sales tax.   Per Neal Boortz -- just a " very very simple retail sales tax.... you will see the tax on your receipt.

Well you might see your receipt on those retail purchase... but there are 3.7 Trillion in other taxes. Goofy laughable absurd taxes,  in the fine print and math equations, yes, in a clever deceptive way, 

Only 1.26 Trillion of retail sales taxes.

Sounds great! I loved it.   Who cares about a 23% sales tax - - priced drop  22% Boortz said, and you get a check every month, and you get 50% (average) increase in take home pay.

Since everything will cost 22% less -- so what?  (Total fabrication, this price drop  nonsense).  That's essentially a 1% tax, the way Boortz sold it, and you get 50% more take home pay

In hundreds of videos,  hundreds more speeches,  and dozens of books (two by Neal Boortz) the same basic slogan.  A very simple personal retail sales tax.

That's it. Prices drop, huge increase in take home pay, and just that (essentially) 1% tax!

95% of Fairtax taxes are retail sales tax, right?  And that doesn't matter anyway, do to 22% price drop!

   Oh, some small other taxes -- taxes on attorney fees, for example.  Even taxes on "domestic servant" expenditures.

But essentially,  a retail sales tax. Right?


CAN ONLY  BE 1.26 Trillion

Math.  The problem is math. Rather, the main deception in Fairtax is math....retail sales can at most, be taxed to bring in 1.26T   
That's because given 5.5 Trillion in retail sales, a 23% tax would yield 1.26T.  That's math. 
 5.5 Trillion,multiply by 23% That's 1.26.

You would need over 15 Trillion in retail sales for a 23% tax to replace all other fed taxes  ________________________________________

Yet Fairtax gives the impression they will bring in, by the retail sales tax, what all the other taxes brought in.  

"Revenue neutral"  they said. 

But without massive other taxes -- 3.7 Trillions in taxes, hidden in the fine print and math equations, which are goofy as hell and impossible to collect,  they are trillions of dollars short.

Yet no example of these massive taxes-- and there are far more other massive taxes they made sure people did not know about.  See below.

You have to pay the retail sales tax -- AND the massive taxes (many of which are impossible they are so goofy) too.  The other taxes are much much larger.

Lots of examples about lunch, jackets, and a shirt -- but no example of all cities counties and states paying millions, even billions (as in the case of LA and NYC in taxes on their wage, pension and capital expenditures.

Yes, all wage expenditures  all pension expenditures,  all  operational expenditures, even all investments by city county and states -- are TAXED, exactly as if they were retail sales!

Each of those symbols represents  millions or billions of dollars. It's goofy,  but they put it out there as if it were logical.

Here you see they insert, almost candidly, that all city county and state wages expenditures are taxed. But this is in a section on a fee paid to collect it!   Never do they tell suckers about these massive other taxes, which would amount to over 140 million tax on the city of Dallas for example.

And a 300 million dollar tax on Chicago.    

States, too, have the same tax.  The State of Texas would owe about 18 billion, and the state of Illinois wold owe over 3 billion.

Here is how the sneak in -- in a document virtually no one knows even exist,  the tax on all city county and state wage expenditures.  Keep in mind that also all capital expenditures, operational expenditures, pension expenditures, are treated exactly this way -- taxed.   The city county and state are supposed to "raise their tax rates" to pay these taxes.

Here is the tricky lingo about fed wages (and pensions, and capital expenditures, etc, being taxed)

Again, this is the link  Link to above...

And remember -- no one told the cities. No one hinted it. It's not in the books videos speeches, and its not clear even in the legislation!  Yet its very much the biggest part of how Fairtax math adds up.

This is in their math equations and fine print bs in their own "research" documents. 



Do you really think Chicago is going to send in over 300 million? 

There is no way to enforce this -- it's not only goofy, its not mentioned anywhere in any clear way!   There is no address, no mechanism, no law, no anything that makes this clear in HR25, other that the "without exception" and a few convoluted definitions that mean nothing.

But Fairtax math depends on such absurdities.

So no, no rational person would expect that all cities counties and states would pay this -- or that ANY city count or state would pay  it.

Do you think Texas state legislature (remember, no one told them it's not made clear anywhere) will send in 18 billion?

That is what would have to happen for Fairtax to collect the massive revenue they have in the fine print.

Most folks could not decode that gibberish if they had an hour and a half to do so.



But   President Bush tax panel could decode it, and did, back in 2005.  It was exposed then, politely in public, but in private, William Gale, PhD of Sanford,  and head of President Bush Tax Panel, he said "They lie a lot."

Indeed.  But not technically lie, perhaps, as much as they deliberately fooled folks with hilarious and goofy math and fine print.  

The Bush Tax Panel panel noticed very quickly the massive other taxes.

They noted that the retail sales tax, if that was the only tax, would be 89%.  
 "The only problem will be where to put all the money," said Boortz. 

"You see the tax cash register receipt."

"The poor will be completely untaxed"



Neal Boortz warned his  followers: watch out, those horrible IRS agents and tax accountants will do anything to lie about this.

But no GOP sponsor (there were 100 sponsors!) would actually explain the 3.7 Trillion in other taxes. They would not even mention one dollar of these massive other taxes. They may not have even known --- they would have to actually study the fine print and math to know. 

Hannity, Boortz and Mike Huckabee speak  at Fairtax rally 

They  opened  the rally with a prayer, in front of a huge American Flag.

Huckabee insisted this was a tax God would want. 

Huckabee said as President, he would "wave the magic wand"  of Fairtax to fix the economy and the tax unfairness.

Fairtax "completely untaxes" the poor. 
But wow -- the benefits!  Who cares if there are massive other taxes (goofy, 3.7Trillion in other taxes).  So what?

Prices drop, 22%. So what if the tax is 23%, prices drop 22%!

We all get a check from the government!  

Fairtax "completely untaxes" the poor.  That is utterly not true, because  even the destitute would be liable on paper for massive taxes, for example cancer victims on Medicaid -- because Fairtax math is based,  mathematically based, on all  consumption being taxed without exception)

So by the slogans -  we don't really have to pay taxes, the government pays us enough that we can pay that sales tax anyway -- on "necessities"! And we get 50% increase in take home pay.

And prices drop 22%!

Oh it's no free lunch, said Neal Boortz. He wanted to be honest.  Yes, he said in Fairtax book,  even "doctor visits"  will be taxed. "You may see a 10 dollar tax" on your office visit", Neal said.  He sure didn't want anyone to misunderstand.

May see? 10 dollars? 

Try it would be required that you pay 23% tax.  A doctor visit can easily cost 400  dollars, with tests,  and that would be a 95 dollar tax on such an average doctor visit.

An emergency room visit can easily be 4,000 dollars.  That would be nearly 950 dollar tax.   And remember -- this is the big hustle -- all consumption is taxed without exception. That is how their goofy math works. And they tell you that, without exception in HR 25 itself. 


IT WONT MATTER" Neil Boortz.

Is cancer surgery and chemo  taxed too, asked an  interviewer on FOX NEWS. 

  Neal Boortz blurted out "Well sure -- we can't play favorites.."  How would cancer victims pay the tax?

  Boortz quickly said "Oh we save  her (the cancer victim) so much money, it won't matter"  and changed the subject.

A 46,000 fed tax, just on cancer surgery, chemo and rehab won't matter?

And that tax is "without exception."   


Fairtax suckers, when they hear of these massive goofy other taxes,  often say "Well fix it, just exempt those things"

Funny...  if they "exempted" the goofy other taxes,  the tax rate would be 90%.

The entire reason they included these goofy other taxes is to make it appear a 23% tax would work.

If they just exempted health care, for example, the tax rate would need to be about 40%,  not 23%,  If they only taxed retail sales, it would be 89%.

They "save"  a breast cancer victim so much money, a 46,  000 dollar tax won't matter?

That's Boortz for you.

Do Fairtax hustlers think all breast cancer victims can -- or should -- pay these crazy taxes, regardless of income?



Maybe best of all, per Neal Boortz,  the average take home pay goes up 50%. Fifty percent more take home pay, a check from the government -- and prices go down!

Oh and our Social Security and Medicare? No problem, we don't have to pay any of those taxes, either!    But no need to worry -- Social Security and Medicare will be funded from the money coming in from this sales tax!
Remember, the Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security taxes are over 800 Billion.   Under Fairtax, that 800 Billion is simply not coming in.  No longer does anyone pay it, business or employees.

Wow.  All that - just from a retail sales tax! 

The only problem,  Neal said was "where to put all the money."


They also put together an equally goofy,  equally deceptive "Dare to Compare Calculator."   

The trick in the "Calculator" (much like the trick in their fine print and math equations)  they do not let you know what is taxed!  In the "Dare to Compare Calculator"  there was  no  way, it was impossible,  to enter your consumption that is taxed.    It's not difficult to put in any information that matters -- it's impossible.


In fact, as Bruce Bartlett said in 2004,  not only would Fairtax rate be 89 or 90% -- -- but when state and local retail sales tax were on TOP of that 90% -- millions of people would face the absurd nonsense of over 100 tax on retail sales.

That's why Fairtax had no choice. 

If your city operates a library system for 40 million, your city would have to pay 23% of that as a tax to the federal government.  

Do you think your city will just say (remember, no one told them) oh, okay, here is 9 million, as a tax for operating our library.

But it's not just libraries. 

 All wages, all capital expenditures, all operational expenditures, all pension expenditures,  are in the "tax base".  The only exception is wages paid out to teachers.  Those wages are not in the tax base. The only exception! 

And then California and your city -- all city county and states -- are supposed to raise their tax rates to pay it.

Still sound like a simple retail sales tax?

Still sound "researched"?

Fairtax is one of the following.

Can you guess which one?

1) Goofy ass fraud started by hustlers to  raise money from gullible fools.

2) A researched  economic plan by 80 independent economist backed by 22 million dollars of research.

3) A flawed but sincere effort to reform our tax code.

4) A duck name Peggy Sue from Kentucky.

You will know the answer easily -- if you read their fine print and math equations, and check their "research".  

No, it's not  a duck.

No it's not a flawed but sincere effort.

No it's not a researched plan -- we show you what they claim is "research"  and show you the definition of research.  It is quite the opposite of research.


Here is a quick test you can take to measure if you know what Fairtax taxes. Oh you may know their slogans.  The slogans, as you will see, are goofy and created to fool folks. 

But here, take this test.

Very simple. 

Fairtax Test

And remember, Mike,  Fairtax their math is not -- not  -- based on any retail sales tax increase!   Their math is based on (see below) massive goofy other taxes that are not retail sales.  When you understand that, you understand their fraud.

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