Fairtax has massive OTHER taxes, as you will see, and all "research" repudiated Fairtax, as explained by Boortz, rather than supports it.
billion in taxes on health care – including cancer taxes
There are 2.1 Trillion dollars in Fairtax projected revenue that has nothing to do with personal retail sales. That's how they get their math to add up -- these huge "other" taxes, that they try like hell to make seem like retail sales taxes.
Who really pays? These 1.5 Trillion dollars in taxes on city county and states -- who actually has to pay that?
You do --Fairtax sucker, you do. Fairtax cleverly writes they "assume" wity and states will raise their tax rates appropriately.
How the hell are wages paid by Dallas, and New York, and all cities, and all states, "retail sales?" Sure as hell is not retail sales. Take a look at the amounts cities would have to pay -- and remember, all cities would have to pay, and all counties too. And all states too.
No -- Fairtax was 2.1 Trillion dollars short if they only taxed possible retail sales. So they included all these other taxes to make their math add up
Like -- taxes on all cancer victims, without exception.
Do you think cancer victims can, should, or would pay huge fed taxes, just because they got cancer? Really?
The short answer is -Fairtax sounds great, but is going no where, because of the massive "other" taxes:
The longer answer is below.
Yes, Fairtax sounds great! Fooled us too, until we read the fine print and asked questions, such as "What the hell is that tax on cities for 200 billion, doing in a footnote."
Questions like "What the hell is this huge tax on cancer patients, and nursing home residents, doing in there?"
Questions like "How the hell is life saving surgery on a child, a retail sale?"
Fairtax of course did not make these huge other taxes obvious -- Neal Boortz sure never told you about them, in his Fairtax Book. But even in the legislation, you have to read the words carefully, as President Bush Tax Panel did.
A retail sales tax on personal consumption? That's what they said for years, in a dozen books, thousands of speeches, and hundreds of videos.
A tax on your city for capital expenditures. A tax on your city for wages expenditures. Taxes on your city or state when they built a highway or bridge a library, a sewer system, whatever, your city would owe 23% advance tax on that.
How the hell is that a personal retail sales tax? ITS NOT.
How the hell is that even rational? And what's it doing in a footnote?
Think California would send in over 1 Billion dollars, in advance or otherwise, for their capital expenditure of the massive bridge project? Really?
So California would have to read this document by Fairtax, see that footnote, and send in over 1 Billion dollars? Because there is no where else that Fairtax hustlers mention this.
Still sound transparent to you --Boortz said the best thing about Fairtax, is how transparent it is!
Is cancer surgery a retail sale? Call it a personal retail sale if you want, call it a banana, they tax all cancer surgery "consumption".
Even a woman on medicare with breast cancer would be liable -- yes, she would -- for 40,000 dollars in fed taxes, just on her "consumption" of breast surgery goods and services. This was confirmed, reluctantly, by Neal Boortz himself, who could not weasel out of the question put to him by a very direct reporter.
We show you the fine print tricks, that cleverly says what they tax would include cancer surgery "consumed" by Medicare patients, and massive other things, in a way you may not notice. That's what we mean by fine print tricks.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel exposed these fine print tricks -- politely, and in academic terms. In private, the Tax Panel called Fairtax a scam by "liars" but in public, they had to be polite. We won't be so polite.
The President's Tax Panel showed the fine print tricks -- 300 words, mixed in the 2 million words in Fairtax documents -- that have the massive "other taxes" . Very few words to inject 2.1 Trillion dollars into their revenue projections.
Without these 300 words, Fairtax can't inject these 2.1 Trillion dollars into their projected revenue -- or as they call it, their "tax base".
The only reason Fairtax seems like it could be 23%, is that Fairtax has all these other goofy hidden taxes. And they did it, using words, written carefully.
The President's Tax Advisory Panel had no trouble spotting the fine print tricks, even though it was only 300 words out of some 2 million words. But the Tax Panel eat fine print tricks for breakfast and spit them out for lunch. The 300 words are quite noticable, when you are not fooled already into the ruse that it's a retail sales tax. There is nothing in HR25 about a simple retail sales tax to replace anything.
Cancer surgery is taxed, and the person using any cancer surgery or chemo is personally liable, even destitute cancer victims, Alzheimer patients, there are no exceptions. We show you below.
Neal Boortz reluctantly admitted all cancer patients, even the poor, are liable for the 23% tax on their "consumption" of health care services.
Neal Boortz lied to us about what Fairtax taxes -- he "razzle dazzled" us on 65% of Fairtax revenue, because 65% of Fairtax revenue has NOTHING to do with personal consumption at "point of purchase"
Neal would throw around terms for stupid people like "point of purchase" - knowing every time he said it, that was not what Fairtax was. Did you know Boortz was paid to sell you that lie about Fairtax?
Yes, he was paid.
We have offered Neal 50,000 dollars, for years now, if he will show ANYTHING in HR25 that proves it's a personal retail sales tax. Here is why he can't do that.... Fairtax slick multi- part way of telling you what they tax. These are the most important words 15 words in that 300 word fine print trick.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.
Fairtax is a tax all personal consumption expenditures-- not just retail sales. Remember that.
Retail sales tax, as President Bush Tax Panel showed, only brings in, in todays dollars. 1.4Trillion. To get 3.5 Trillion in revenue, Fairtax taxes just what they say in the fine print -- "all personal consumption expenditures and government consumption expenditures.
SO they do tell you -- in a few words here and there, in what we call fine print tricks. These few dozen words are drastically different than what Fairtax hustlers like Boortz tell you, for example, in the Fairtax Books.
Fairtax huge taxes on city county and states is not in dispute --their spokesmen admit it, see below.
Why is that impossible to collect? Because no city would pay it. They are not told of it, for one thing. There is no way for them to know about it, it's mentioned so deceptively. Should Dallas read the fine print trick about the tax on all "government expenditures" and send in 100 million?
Even if Fairtax had made it clear, no city would pay it. The fed gov can not tax cities or counties or states. And Fairtax leaders admit it -- they say "we assume" we will be able to collect that tax. Very slick.
Fairtax put these taxes in the fine print to make their math add up. According to President Bush Tax Panel, who exposed the hustle, politely, in 2004, without these huge "other taxes" Fairtax rate would be 89%, not 23%.
Apparently, Fairtax did not want to admit a retail consumption tax would be 89%. So they included massive other taxes to make their math add up on paper.
Neal Boortz, in the Fairtax Book, made Fairtax sound almost magical -- a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. That's what his book, speeches, videos say.
But that is not what the fine print tricks say. The actual legislation is quite different --if you read it closely.
With 100 sponsors in Congressional and all that "research" (there is no research) Fairtax should be a shoo in, at least to pass the House. But no one takes it seriously, because as great as it sounds, it's a deliberate hustle. No, it's not a great idea, with a few "flaws". You don't need to lie about 2 trillion dollars if your idea has any merit at all.
But you can call it political theater if you want. Does not matter what anyone calls it, magic or a fraud.
It's the fine print that matters. In the fine print are massive "assumptions" that are goofy as hell. They might as well said they "assume" they can tax moonbeams and baby fars.
No, they didn't say they could tax moonbeams and baby farts for 2Trillion. But they did cleverly "assume" 2Trillion in other taxes -- taxes than have nothing to do with retail sales.
Fairtax claims they would be "revenue" neutral -- about 3.5 Trillion. But retail sales tax would only bring in 1.4 Trillion.
Where does the other 2.1 Trillion dollars come from? From "assumed" taxes -- not proven, not even stated clearly. Fairtax parsed words carefully -- we show you, in about 300 words, to insert 2.1 Trillion dollars in "other taxes:".
We were fooled by Boortz because he claimed 22 million dollars in research -- a common lie by Fairtax. We believed it at first -- the more more "fine print tricks" we say, we asked to see that "research".
There is none. NONE. In fact, we have offered Boortz 50,000 cash -- he can donate it to any charity or keep it. Just show one page -- one page! -- of that "research" about Fairtax as a simple personal retail sales tax that would replace all other fed taxes.
There is no research to support Fairtax, because Fairtax is a fraud. In fact, the man Neal Boortz told us Fairtax did the "extensive research" that Fairtax was founded on, repudiated Fairtax, categorically, but politely. See below. Fairtax simply lied -- yes lied - about the research. To the extent any "research" was done, Fairtax was exposed for it's massive other taxes, so it's only partly a personal retail sales tax.
Boortz can tell you whatever he was paid to --- but here is what is in the actual legislation and fine print tricks.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.
They tax all personal consumption expenditures-- very different animal. And they tax all government consumption expenditures -- very different animal.
That is Fairtax official definition of consumption.
Someone pays. As Neal Boortz told us, "only people pay taxes". Neal said --ironically -- that corporate taxes are "a cruel hoax" because you pay those anyway.
The person using the goods or services pays! That's what it says! But how is your city a person, if the person pays? How is Chicago a person? How do they tax your county? Here is how- - this definition...
Apparently the same folks hired Beacon Hill to write the fine print --and in there, as President Bush Tax Panel found, are massive other taxes, that are impossible, unconstitutional, and hidden for the sole purpose of making their math add up on paper.
Neal didn't mention the 100 million dollar tax on Dallas for their wage expenditures. Nor did he mention the fact that Fairtax "assumption" is that Dallas and every city would drastically raise taxes. You have to read their fine print for that.
You can't just blame Neal. Fairtax claims a list of 80 "economists" who verified Fairtax and urged President Bush to examine it.
Or did they? We called or emailed a dozen of those "economist" who Fairtax claimed signed some letter, yet only one of them stood by Fairtax, after learning of the fine print tricks. And that guy works for Fair Tax.
In fact, the "economist" we talked to were embarrassed they had backed Fairtax at all, and had never heard of these huge taxes on cities for wages, pensions, and operational expenditures, which is unconstitutional as hell. And hidden.
As you see, in Fairtax own documents, WAY down in the fine print, they assume Los Angeles, Dallas, all cities, all counties, and all states will raise your taxes.
That's not what we said -- that's what Fairtax documents said -- waaaay down in the fine print tricks. Raise your taxes!
What the hell?
Fairtax hopes we believe "illegals" and "tourist" will pay so much in "retail sales taxes" that their numbers work. That's not in their numbers, either. That's just in Neal's Book, it has no basis in fact.
It might SOUND reasonable that suddenly "illegals" will pay, but Fairtax math already included all retail sales. Retail sales do not jump 400%. Remember, retail sales are already factored in, unless "illegals" drastically increase their spending (by about 1,000%) Fairtax still does not add up.
The only way Fairtax adds up, on paper, is if they include these 2.1 trillion dollars in fine print trick taxes.
But the tax on personal retail sales, that's possible, is about 1.4 Trillion. They were 2.1 Trillion dollars short. So cleverly, fraudulently in our opinion, they inserted these massive other taxes.
Dallas Texas city council, for example, would owe a 23% tax on their wage expenditures, as you will see. That would be over 100 million dollars.
Benefits are taxed too -- the "fair market value" of any benefit -- see for yourself.....
But who pays those -- really? Most of Fairtax revenue comes from these impossible taxes on city county and states. Dallas city council would owe 100 million, NYC 3Billion, but who pays that?
Neal Boortz, facing a direct question on FOX news, was asked if cancer surgery is taxed. Yes, it is. And chemo. And Alzheimer care. And nursing home care. Neal quickly changed the subject, but had to admit, yes, all cancer victims are personally liable, there are no exceptions whatsoever.
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Grover Norquest backed Fairtax, early on. Why did he suddenly back off? We don't know, but probably he read the fine print or someone told him about it.
Even Herman Cain backed off, suddenly, about the time testimony to Ways Means Committee about Fairtax fraud showed up on their web site. Herman went with the even more insane, if that's possible, 9-9-9, which had no extensive fine print anyway. It was an idea his goofy "financial" advisor dreamed up, a financial advisor that loved Fairtax.
See why President Bush Tax Panel, in private, said Fairtax folks "lie a lot"?
But if you read all their documents, word for word, definition by definition, assumption by assumption, it's there.
What about all that "research"?
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Dale Jorgenson politely repudiated Boortz claim of research supporting Fairtax. |
Even the guy who did the "research" -- Dale Jorgenson -- repudiated what Neal claimed, a week after the Fairtax Book came out, see below.
And Jorgenson did not okay these huge other taxes that Fairtax hid in the fine print --he was just repudiating the Boortz lie that research showed prices would fall. No such research exist, and that's not even addressing these huge hidden taxes.
Once you learn the fine print tricks,see if you agree: only hustlers or liars could or would represent this nonsense as a tax plan.
22 Million in research? Well, show it to us.
First, here is no research -- or if there is, they have never shown it. Yeah, I know, they claimed 22 million dollars in research. But they have never shown it. We have offered 50,000 dollars if they will show us one page their "research" that proves it's a personal retail sales tax.
They show you stuff from Beacon Hill, but that is not research at all. Beacon Hill is their public relations firm, they are paid. But read their stuff closely. They are the fine print trick experts -- they won't outright lie for Fairtax. They leave that to Boortz Huckabee and others. Instead, Beacon Hill parses their words with things like "assumptions" of massive tax increases.
So why not tell Chicago city council about it? Or Dallas? Because that would give away their fraud.
Remember, they tell you, in the fine print, that they tax whatever NIPA claims is "consumption expenditures" is taxed. So what if Neal told you it was retail sales? That's not in the fine print. In the fine print are these massive other taxes.
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Fairtax refuses to show anything like this.
NAPA includes all military speanding!
NAPA includes all cities county and states payin 23% tax
on wage expendigures
on pension expenditures
on all capital expenditures
The fuckers at Fairtax told us it was just a very simple retail sales tax
Every fucking time Fairtax hustlers told us anything -- those fuckers knew the "NAPA TRICK"
With out the
Laurence J Kotlikoff wrote much of the deceptive BS in Fairtax documents for Beacon Hill. But did he lie?
Maybe not. Sure he misled, that's what he was paid to do apparently . He knew very weill Fairtax was being sold by Fairtax.org hustlers as a very simple personal retail tax! paid at the cash register!
✔️Kotlikoff articles tell you -- they tax all consumption as defined by NIPA.
NIPA! Neal and the other liars never mentioned that. Turns out The NIPA definition includes 23% tax on US Defense department. It includes "Four trill
✔️Kotlikoff never said it was a simple personal retail sales tax -- that was Boortz, remember?
But the same people who paid Boortz, also paid Kotlikoff. That's right, both were paid by same folks. Pretty cool trick, huh?
Kotlikoff even listed the various parts of consumption -- if you can find that document, which most people can not. And you would have to ignore everything you THOUGHT you know about Fairtax.
Is it Kotlikoff's fault you didn't find his document and read page 666 -667? It it his fault you thought Fairtax Book was on the level?
KOTLIKOFF and others told you -- cleverly, in 300 words out of 2 million words -- about these huge other taxes.
Neal and others may tell you Fairtax completely untaxes the poor-- etc. Like this recent tweet from Fairtax.org itself. They have started lying brazeningly.
But in the legislation, there are no exceptions. So is the guy tweeting about FREE OF TAX, is of course, lying. Notice, this sweet came from some fool or hustler at Fairtax "Nation". Either he is just stupid and does not know, or he is lying and does know. Either way, Fairtax fine print is very emphatic, they tax all consumption, without exception, and their prebate is a part of the entire fraud.
The "research" Neal tries to sell as proving Fairtax, was done by Dale Jorgenson, according to Neal himself, in the Fairtax Book. Neal's slick lies in that book give the impression Harvard's Dale Jorgenson proved all these great sounding things. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Fairtax has massive OTHER taxes, as you will see, and all "research" repudiated Fairtax, as explained by Boortz, rather than supports it.
There are 2.1 Trillion dollars in Fairtax projected revenue that has nothing to do with personal retail sales. That's how they get their math to add up -- these huge "other" taxes, that they try like hell to make seem like retail sales taxes.
Who really pays? These 1.5 Trillion dollars in taxes on city county and states -- who actually has to pay that?
You do --Fairtax sucker, you do. Fairtax cleverly writes they "assume" wity and states will raise their tax rates appropriately.
How the hell are wages paid by Dallas, and New York, and all cities, and all states, "retail sales?" Sure as hell is not retail sales. Take a look at the amounts cities would have to pay -- and remember, all cities would have to pay, and all counties too. And all states too.
No -- Fairtax was 2.1 Trillion dollars short if they only taxed possible retail sales. So they included all these other taxes to make their math add up
Like -- taxes on all cancer victims, without exception.
Do you think cancer victims can, should, or would pay huge fed taxes, just because they got cancer? Really?

The short answer is -Fairtax sounds great, but is going no where, because of the massive "other" taxes:
The longer answer is below.
Yes, Fairtax sounds great! Fooled us too, until we read the fine print and asked questions, such as "What the hell is that tax on cities for 200 billion, doing in a footnote."
Questions like "What the hell is this huge tax on cancer patients, and nursing home residents, doing in there?"
Questions like "How the hell is life saving surgery on a child, a retail sale?"
Fairtax of course did not make these huge other taxes obvious -- Neal Boortz sure never told you about them, in his Fairtax Book. But even in the legislation, you have to read the words carefully, as President Bush Tax Panel did.
A retail sales tax on personal consumption? That's what they said for years, in a dozen books, thousands of speeches, and hundreds of videos.
A tax on your city for capital expenditures. A tax on your city for wages expenditures. Taxes on your city or state when they built a highway or bridge a library, a sewer system, whatever, your city would owe 23% advance tax on that.
How the hell is that a personal retail sales tax? ITS NOT.
How the hell is that even rational? And what's it doing in a footnote?
Think California would send in over 1 Billion dollars, in advance or otherwise, for their capital expenditure of the massive bridge project? Really?
So California would have to read this document by Fairtax, see that footnote, and send in over 1 Billion dollars? Because there is no where else that Fairtax hustlers mention this.
Still sound transparent to you --Boortz said the best thing about Fairtax, is how transparent it is!
Is cancer surgery a retail sale? Call it a personal retail sale if you want, call it a banana, they tax all cancer surgery "consumption".
Even a woman on medicare with breast cancer would be liable -- yes, she would -- for 40,000 dollars in fed taxes, just on her "consumption" of breast surgery goods and services. This was confirmed, reluctantly, by Neal Boortz himself, who could not weasel out of the question put to him by a very direct reporter.
We show you the fine print tricks, that cleverly says what they tax would include cancer surgery "consumed" by Medicare patients, and massive other things, in a way you may not notice. That's what we mean by fine print tricks.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel exposed these fine print tricks -- politely, and in academic terms. In private, the Tax Panel called Fairtax a scam by "liars" but in public, they had to be polite. We won't be so polite.
The President's Tax Panel showed the fine print tricks -- 300 words, mixed in the 2 million words in Fairtax documents -- that have the massive "other taxes" . Very few words to inject 2.1 Trillion dollars into their revenue projections.
Without these 300 words, Fairtax can't inject these 2.1 Trillion dollars into their projected revenue -- or as they call it, their "tax base".
The only reason Fairtax seems like it could be 23%, is that Fairtax has all these other goofy hidden taxes. And they did it, using words, written carefully.
The President's Tax Advisory Panel had no trouble spotting the fine print tricks, even though it was only 300 words out of some 2 million words. But the Tax Panel eat fine print tricks for breakfast and spit them out for lunch. The 300 words are quite noticable, when you are not fooled already into the ruse that it's a retail sales tax. There is nothing in HR25 about a simple retail sales tax to replace anything.
Cancer surgery is taxed, and the person using any cancer surgery or chemo is personally liable, even destitute cancer victims, Alzheimer patients, there are no exceptions. We show you below.
Neal Boortz reluctantly admitted all cancer patients, even the poor, are liable for the 23% tax on their "consumption" of health care services.
Fairtax tells you what they tax -- only in the fine print tricks.
Neal Boortz lied to us about what Fairtax taxes -- he "razzle dazzled" us on 65% of Fairtax revenue, because 65% of Fairtax revenue has NOTHING to do with personal consumption at "point of purchase"
Neal would throw around terms for stupid people like "point of purchase" - knowing every time he said it, that was not what Fairtax was. Did you know Boortz was paid to sell you that lie about Fairtax?
Yes, he was paid.
We have offered Neal 50,000 dollars, for years now, if he will show ANYTHING in HR25 that proves it's a personal retail sales tax. Here is why he can't do that.... Fairtax slick multi- part way of telling you what they tax. These are the most important words 15 words in that 300 word fine print trick.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.

Fairtax is a tax all personal consumption expenditures-- not just retail sales. Remember that.
Retail sales tax, as President Bush Tax Panel showed, only brings in, in todays dollars. 1.4Trillion. To get 3.5 Trillion in revenue, Fairtax taxes just what they say in the fine print -- "all personal consumption expenditures and government consumption expenditures.
SO they do tell you -- in a few words here and there, in what we call fine print tricks. These few dozen words are drastically different than what Fairtax hustlers like Boortz tell you, for example, in the Fairtax Books.
Fairtax huge taxes on city county and states is not in dispute --their spokesmen admit it, see below.
Why is that impossible to collect? Because no city would pay it. They are not told of it, for one thing. There is no way for them to know about it, it's mentioned so deceptively. Should Dallas read the fine print trick about the tax on all "government expenditures" and send in 100 million?
Even if Fairtax had made it clear, no city would pay it. The fed gov can not tax cities or counties or states. And Fairtax leaders admit it -- they say "we assume" we will be able to collect that tax. Very slick.
Fairtax put these taxes in the fine print to make their math add up. According to President Bush Tax Panel, who exposed the hustle, politely, in 2004, without these huge "other taxes" Fairtax rate would be 89%, not 23%.
Apparently, Fairtax did not want to admit a retail consumption tax would be 89%. So they included massive other taxes to make their math add up on paper.
Neal Boortz, in the Fairtax Book, made Fairtax sound almost magical -- a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. That's what his book, speeches, videos say.
But that is not what the fine print tricks say. The actual legislation is quite different --if you read it closely.
With 100 sponsors in Congressional and all that "research" (there is no research) Fairtax should be a shoo in, at least to pass the House. But no one takes it seriously, because as great as it sounds, it's a deliberate hustle. No, it's not a great idea, with a few "flaws". You don't need to lie about 2 trillion dollars if your idea has any merit at all.
But you can call it political theater if you want. Does not matter what anyone calls it, magic or a fraud.
It's the fine print that matters. In the fine print are massive "assumptions" that are goofy as hell. They might as well said they "assume" they can tax moonbeams and baby fars.
No, they didn't say they could tax moonbeams and baby farts for 2Trillion. But they did cleverly "assume" 2Trillion in other taxes -- taxes than have nothing to do with retail sales.
Fairtax claims they would be "revenue" neutral -- about 3.5 Trillion. But retail sales tax would only bring in 1.4 Trillion.
Where does the other 2.1 Trillion dollars come from? From "assumed" taxes -- not proven, not even stated clearly. Fairtax parsed words carefully -- we show you, in about 300 words, to insert 2.1 Trillion dollars in "other taxes:".
We were fooled by Boortz because he claimed 22 million dollars in research -- a common lie by Fairtax. We believed it at first -- the more more "fine print tricks" we say, we asked to see that "research".
There is none. NONE. In fact, we have offered Boortz 50,000 cash -- he can donate it to any charity or keep it. Just show one page -- one page! -- of that "research" about Fairtax as a simple personal retail sales tax that would replace all other fed taxes.
There is no research to support Fairtax, because Fairtax is a fraud. In fact, the man Neal Boortz told us Fairtax did the "extensive research" that Fairtax was founded on, repudiated Fairtax, categorically, but politely. See below. Fairtax simply lied -- yes lied - about the research. To the extent any "research" was done, Fairtax was exposed for it's massive other taxes, so it's only partly a personal retail sales tax.
Boortz can tell you whatever he was paid to --- but here is what is in the actual legislation and fine print tricks.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.

They tax all personal consumption expenditures-- very different animal. And they tax all government consumption expenditures -- very different animal.
That is Fairtax official definition of consumption.
Someone pays. As Neal Boortz told us, "only people pay taxes". Neal said --ironically -- that corporate taxes are "a cruel hoax" because you pay those anyway.
The person using the goods or services pays! That's what it says! But how is your city a person, if the person pays? How is Chicago a person? How do they tax your county? Here is how- - this definition...
Apparently the same folks hired Beacon Hill to write the fine print --and in there, as President Bush Tax Panel found, are massive other taxes, that are impossible, unconstitutional, and hidden for the sole purpose of making their math add up on paper.
Neal didn't mention the 100 million dollar tax on Dallas for their wage expenditures. Nor did he mention the fact that Fairtax "assumption" is that Dallas and every city would drastically raise taxes. You have to read their fine print for that.
You can't just blame Neal. Fairtax claims a list of 80 "economists" who verified Fairtax and urged President Bush to examine it.
Or did they? We called or emailed a dozen of those "economist" who Fairtax claimed signed some letter, yet only one of them stood by Fairtax, after learning of the fine print tricks. And that guy works for Fair Tax.
In fact, the "economist" we talked to were embarrassed they had backed Fairtax at all, and had never heard of these huge taxes on cities for wages, pensions, and operational expenditures, which is unconstitutional as hell. And hidden.

As you see, in Fairtax own documents, WAY down in the fine print, they assume Los Angeles, Dallas, all cities, all counties, and all states will raise your taxes.

That's not what we said -- that's what Fairtax documents said -- waaaay down in the fine print tricks. Raise your taxes!
Fairtax hopes we believe "illegals" and "tourist" will pay so much in "retail sales taxes" that their numbers work. That's not in their numbers, either. That's just in Neal's Book, it has no basis in fact.
It might SOUND reasonable that suddenly "illegals" will pay, but Fairtax math already included all retail sales. Retail sales do not jump 400%. Remember, retail sales are already factored in, unless "illegals" drastically increase their spending (by about 1,000%) Fairtax still does not add up.
The only way Fairtax adds up, on paper, is if they include these 2.1 trillion dollars in fine print trick taxes.

But the tax on personal retail sales, that's possible, is about 1.4 Trillion. They were 2.1 Trillion dollars short. So cleverly, fraudulently in our opinion, they inserted these massive other taxes.
Dallas Texas city council, for example, would owe a 23% tax on their wage expenditures, as you will see. That would be over 100 million dollars.
Benefits are taxed too -- the "fair market value" of any benefit -- see for yourself.....
But who pays those -- really? Most of Fairtax revenue comes from these impossible taxes on city county and states. Dallas city council would owe 100 million, NYC 3Billion, but who pays that?

Neal Boortz, facing a direct question on FOX news, was asked if cancer surgery is taxed. Yes, it is. And chemo. And Alzheimer care. And nursing home care. Neal quickly changed the subject, but had to admit, yes, all cancer victims are personally liable, there are no exceptions whatsoever.
Grover Norquest backed Fairtax, early on. Why did he suddenly back off? We don't know, but probably he read the fine print or someone told him about it.
Even Herman Cain backed off, suddenly, about the time testimony to Ways Means Committee about Fairtax fraud showed up on their web site. Herman went with the even more insane, if that's possible, 9-9-9, which had no extensive fine print anyway. It was an idea his goofy "financial" advisor dreamed up, a financial advisor that loved Fairtax.
See why President Bush Tax Panel, in private, said Fairtax folks "lie a lot"?
But if you read all their documents, word for word, definition by definition, assumption by assumption, it's there.
What about all that "research"?
There is none. No -- none. There is literally NO research like Boortz implied, to prove anything he told you.
Even the guy who did the "research" -- Dale Jorgenson -- repudiated what Neal claimed, a week after the Fairtax Book came out, see below.
And Jorgenson did not okay these huge other taxes that Fairtax hid in the fine print --he was just repudiating the Boortz lie that research showed prices would fall. No such research exist, and that's not even addressing these huge hidden taxes.
Once you learn the fine print tricks,see if you agree: only hustlers or liars could or would represent this nonsense as a tax plan.
First, here is no research -- or if there is, they have never shown it. Yeah, I know, they claimed 22 million dollars in research. But they have never shown it. We have offered 50,000 dollars if they will show us one page their "research" that proves it's a personal retail sales tax.
They show you stuff from Beacon Hill, but that is not research at all. Beacon Hill is their public relations firm, they are paid. But read their stuff closely. They are the fine print trick experts -- they won't outright lie for Fairtax. They leave that to Boortz Huckabee and others. Instead, Beacon Hill parses their words with things like "assumptions" of massive tax increases.
So why not tell Chicago city council about it? Or Dallas? Because that would give away their fraud.
Remember, they tell you, in the fine print, that they tax whatever NIPA claims is "consumption expenditures" is taxed. So what if Neal told you it was retail sales? That's not in the fine print. In the fine print are these massive other taxes.
Fairtax refuses to show anything like this.

Laurence J Kotlikoff wrote much of the deceptive BS in Fairtax documents for Beacon Hill. But did he lie?
Not really, sure he misled, that's what he was paid to do. His articles tell you -- they tax all consumption as defined by NIPA. Kotlikoff never said it was a simple personal retail sales tax -- that was Boortz, remember?
But the same people who paid Boortz, also paid Kotlikoff. That's right, both were paid by same folks. Pretty cool trick, huh?
Kotlikoff even listed the various parts of consumption -- if you can find that document, which most people can not. And you would have to ignore everything you THOUGHT you know about Fairtax.
Is it Kotlikoff's fault you didn't find his document and read page 666 -667? It it his fault you thought Fairtax Book was on the level?
KOTLIKOFF and others told you -- cleverly, in 300 words out of 2 million words -- about these huge other taxes.
Neal and others may tell you Fairtax completely untaxes the poor-- etc. Like this recent tweet from Fairtax.org itself. They have started lying brazeningly.
But in the legislation, there are no exceptions. So is the guy tweeting about FREE OF TAX, is of course, lying. Notice, this sweet came from some fool or hustler at Fairtax "Nation". Either he is just stupid and does not know, or he is lying and does know. Either way, Fairtax fine print is very emphatic, they tax all consumption, without exception, and their prebate is a part of the entire fraud.
The "research" Neal tries to sell as proving Fairtax, was done by Dale Jorgenson, according to Neal himself, in the Fairtax Book. Neal's slick lies in that book give the impression Harvard's Dale Jorgenson proved all these great sounding things. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Does Fairtax really believe New York City (and every city) will pay massive taxes on their wage, pension, and operational expenditures? No, of course not. They aren't stupid.
So why does Fairtax have huge impossible and unconstitutional taxes hidden in the fine print?
To make their math add up. Every lie, every footnote trick, every 5 part deceptive definition, every goofy "assumption" in Fairtax documents you will never see, is to make their math add up.
Fairtax spokesmen Neal Boortz had to admit it, on FOX news. A reporter asked him if even the poor are liable for "cancer taxes". Neal said yes, but added quickly "don't worry, we will save her (cancer victim) so much, it won't matter".
You actually need to find out what Fairtax calls "NIPA" definitions in this document. Oh, you never saw it? They hoped you wouldn't see it.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel showed this clever hustle -- it was not that hard, they just had to read all of the documents, closely. Every footnote.
Like footnote 19, about massive advance taxes every city county and state would have to pay -- in advance. See footnote 19, its one of the clever deception tricks in Fairtax. Put there by lying bastards to fool you. Not to inform you.
It does not matter if Neal told you it was a retail sales tax, if Huckabee told you it was just a simple tax at the store, whatever anyone told you, does not matter.
It's the fine print in the legislation and supporting documents that matter.
Yes, a 40,000 fed tax on your cancer surgery and chemo will matter. And anyway, why should cancer victims pay huge fed taxes? Just because they got sick?
Cancer victims should NOT be taxed 40,000 dollars, just because they got sick.
So why does Fairtax have these massive other taxes -- like the cancer tax?
To make their math add up, that's why.
Better read the fine print -- especially when they promise so much, for so little.
Do you really think cancer victims on Medicare can, should, and will pay 39,000 extra in fed taxes, just because they got sick? And only because of some fine print tricks written in double talk by lying bastards?

How can medicare patients be taxed, in the legislation? It does not say that clearly -- so where is it?
That's how fine print tricks work. They say it - -but deliberately make it deceptive. Here are the parts that would tax all medicare patients on all health care benefits, including cancer surgery:

While the HUSTLE says they tax personal retail sales -- the actual legislation says they tax what NIPA defines as "personal consumption and government consumption expenditures."
Cancer surgery is in NIPA definitions of personal consumption.
These huge wage and expenditures taxes on all city county and states, and the huge taxes on all cancer victims, are NOT in dispute. Fairtax leaders, when questioned in a way they can't wiggle out, admit these taxes are there (see more below).
Even when they admit these huge wage, pension, operational expenditure taxes-- they simply refuse to give any further information about it. For example, if a medicare patient with breast cancer has 170,000 in "consumption" of surgery and chemo - how much is she liable? The math shows it would be 39,000 dollars.
Fairtax won't tell you how she would pay.
It's bad enough (fraudulent enough) that Fairtax didn't tell us about these huge other taxes at the start. But when you discover them in the fine print tricks, they still refuse to explain them.
That's exactly what fraudulent about Fairtax. It's not a well intentioned plan with a few "kinks" that need to be "fixed". It's a fraud because the vast majority of tax revenue is impossible BS and they know it.
Regarding the tax on cancer victims who are poor, Neal Boortz on FOX news, just said "Oh that doesn't matter, we will save her that much". Really? They will save the medicare patient with breast cancer 39,000 dollars so she can pay a tax Fairtax hid in the fine print?
All personal and government consumption, including capital expenditures, wages, pensions, operational costs -- are of course DRASTICALLY larger than retail sales alone.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel told the public about the hustle -- in very polite terms, publically. National Review exposed it more bluntly -- at the bottom of this entry, we will paste Bruce Barlett's 2004 article in NRO.
I private, William Gale, head of the Tax Panel that unraveled the fine print tricks, said Fairtax spokesmen "Lie a lot". Indeed -- they did and do.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel did not have that hard of a job to do to expose the fraud. They simply read the fine print. We show you the fine print.
Without exception. That means your cancer surgery is taxed, without exception. No, remember, it does not matter who actually paid for the cancer surgery -- read it closely. The person "using or consuming" the goods or services is liable.
Without exception.
So Boortz may tell you they "completely untax the poor" -- but that's a lie, a fraud, and Neal was paid to give out those lies. Yes, he was paid, and yes he was lying.
Nothing in HR25 exempts the poor, quite the opposite in fact.
You have to ignore the hustle -- the book, the speeches, the videos. Those are all part of the hustle -- and none of them are true factually, none of them have a true narrative either.
The Tax Panel didn't give a shit what Neal Boortz put in his fraudulent book -- it didn't matter. They didn't give a shit what Fairtax hustlers said in the books,videos and speeches.
President Bush Tax Panel just had to read the various Fairtax documents were this fraud is hidden -- in clever fine print tricks.
This is not even a full listing of the family's "consumption" expenditure. It's actually worse.
And yes, a family of four would be taxed on cancer treatment "consumption" without exception. The dorm costs, same thing.
They would not be taxed on "tuition" consumption, but would be taxed on dorm "consumption" -- again, no exception. The person using or consuming the goods or services are liable, without exception.
Some people would owe 1000% fed tax rate --an absurdity -- if they used or consumed a lot of "goods or services" but had modest income.
Does Fairtax really believe people with breast cancer will can or should pay 40K extra in fed tax, without exception? No -- of course not. They aren't stupid, they are deceptive. Big difference.
If they were stupid they would be honest in the find print, and honest in their books videos and speeches. But they are deceptive because they hide the goofy parts -- such as the tax on all cancer victims.
People on Medicare, the poor, are prime examples. No, Fairtax leaders do NOT expect them to pay taxes. But if they exempt cancer surgery, they would expose their own fraud -- that all health care is taxed. If you know all health care is taxed, without exception, you would figure out how goofy it is.
But even people with health insurance, would personally owe the fed tax on their "consumption" of health care. So if your dad had heart surgery, if your mom had hip surgery, and insurance paid most of the bill -- your mom or dad would owe 30-60K in fed taxes, ON TOP of all other fed taxes in Fairtax.
But the cancer taxes are nothing compared to the huge (1.5 Trillion dollar huge) tax on state and local government. Fairtax defines person as many things, one of the words in the definition is "government".
Did you know your city would have to pay a 4 million dollar tax on the "operational" expenditures of 13 million? Chicago would have to pay over 40 million dollar wage, pension, and expenditure tax, just on their library system.
Dallas would owe over 100 million dollar tax just on wage expenditures! But New York City would get the biggest surprise, a 4B dollar wage pension and operational expenditure tax.
Thes wage and pension expenditure taxes are goofy as hell, unconstitutional as hell, and Fairtax hustlers know it. That's why they hid it in the fine print.
Neal Boortz told his suckers at least 1000 times that Fairtax was "transparent". Simple and "transparent". ''
Even Fairtax own "researcher," Dale Jorgenson, the guy Boortz claimed did the "extensive research" to prove the hustle in Neal's book, essentially refuted every basic claim in Fairtax, in an interview on CNN.
If Fairtax were "transparent" as Neal Boortz claimed, all cities would know that. All cancer victims would know that.
Fairtax actively and purposely hid these goofy impossible parts of the plan in "fine print tricks" we show you.
Only a small part of it is a personal retail sales tax.
Welcome to the world of Fairtax Fine Print Tricks.
This tricky definition of consumption is quite massive -- it includes all cancer surgery, because it includes EVERYTHING consumed or expended by "natural persons" or city county and states into a "tax base" Then it "removes" a few things - like education expenditures-- from the base.
But everything is in the tax base (including wages pensions) unless it is removed. Very slick.
Whatever is "in the tax base" they tax. Cancer consumption is in the tax base.
All wages and pensions and "fairmarket value" of all military pay, pensions, and benefits, are in the tax base.
Dallas Texas city wages, pensions and benefits -- are in the tax base. Your city county and state wages pensions and benefits and operational expenditures -- are in the tax base.
That means -- by definition -- Fairtax taxes them.
All health care is taxed -- and "the person using or consuming" the goods or services is liable -- without exception. See below.
Did you know Fairtax taxes most city county and state wages and pensions in the USA?
Even military pay and pensions are taxed.
Did you know that or not? No, the employee does not pay it, the city county state or fed gov pays it.
Wages and salaries and pension "expenditures" taxed. You can't get that from reading just one of the definitions -- you have to read them all, and put them together. That was no trouble for President Bush Tax Advisory Panel, who exposed this in 2004.
And guess where you find it? In the footnotes, fine print, and definition tricks, in Fairtax hustle.
No, the person, the soldier, or cop, or firemen, don't pay that tax. The "employer" has to pay it.
Dallas, for example, would have to pay 23% tax on all wages and pensions it pays it's police and firemen. All such wages pensions and "fair market value" of all benefits whatsoever, are taxed.
It's in the fine print. But it's only in the fine print in very clever and deceptive ways. By the way -- Fairtax fine print cleverly says "we assume" cities counties and states will "increase their tax rates appropriately"
Yeah -- increase all city taxes, appropriately. Increase all county taxes, appropriately, increase all state taxes, appropriately. That's not what we say-- that's what in Fairtax document fine print.
But Fairtax is a PERSONAL consumption tax? Right? I mean they say that, Neal Boortz said it's a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. Very simple.
Mike Rawlings Mayor of Dallas, would be a tad bit surprised if suddenly his city had to pay 100 million or more in "wage expenditure" taxes. Why would Mike be surprised -- because he, and every other mayor, every other county official, every other state official, was never told about it.
It's only in the cleverly scattered fine print tricks: like defining all cities as a person.
So when Boortz tells you its a "simple PERSONAL retail sales tax" that's only true if definitions are reversed somewhere - and we show you the tricky - dicky definition below.

Yes, in a sub subparagrph, in a list of boring definitions, they insert one word -- in a series of words -- to define a person as "any government".
Fairtax officials David Kendall, James Bennett, and Fairtax blogger Ross Calloway, admit, even brag, that this definition -- is Section 2a, subsection 7, is their "legal basis" for the tax on every city and every county in the USA.
First, we found out, there is no research to support anything Boortz claimed. Yes, there have been scholarly reports -- all of them show Fairtax has massive other taxes, not just personal retail sales taxes.
We offered 50,000 dollars (seriously) if Neal could show any research whatsoever that proved Fairtax was a simple personal consumption tax, as he claimed. He could donate that to charity, or keep it.
Why not show that research he talked about? Even without a 50K offer, why not show it?
But especially with a 50K offer -- why not show it? Amazing. They don't have to show the research is fool proof, just that real research took place, that is factually about a personal retail sales tax of 23% that would replace all other fed taxes.
Remember, Neal claimed it was valid because of the research- who why not show it?
We are still waiting.
But the same people who paid Boortz, also paid Kotlikoff. That's right, both were paid by same folks. Pretty cool trick, huh?
Kotlikoff even listed the various parts of consumption -- if you can find that document, which most people can not. And you would have to ignore everything you THOUGHT you know about Fairtax.
Is it Kotlikoff's fault you didn't find his document and read page 666 -667? It it his fault you thought Fairtax Book was on the level?
KOTLIKOFF and others told you -- cleverly, in 300 words out of 2 million words -- about these huge other taxes.
Neal and others may tell you Fairtax completely untaxes the poor-- etc. Like this recent tweet from Fairtax.org itself. They have started lying brazeningly.
But in the legislation, there are no exceptions. So is the guy tweeting about FREE OF TAX, is of course, lying. Notice, this sweet came from some fool or hustler at Fairtax "Nation". Either he is just stupid and does not know, or he is lying and does know. Either way, Fairtax fine print is very emphatic, they tax all consumption, without exception, and their prebate is a part of the entire fraud.
The "research" Neal tries to sell as proving Fairtax, was done by Dale Jorgenson, according to Neal himself, in the Fairtax Book. Neal's slick lies in that book give the impression Harvard's Dale Jorgenson proved all these great sounding things. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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1) C. The breast cancer victim would owe 46,000 dollars as fairtax fed tax, just on the "consumption" of medical goods and services. Yes, it's impossible for a destitute woman to pay 46K in fed taxes. Fairtax knows that. But they needed their math to add up.
2) C. Dallas would owe 70 million dollars as fed "Fairtax." Actual numbers would be twice that, because the numbers in the example were very conservative. And Dallas, per Fairtax fine print tricks, would or should "raise their tax rates" appropriately.
Fairtax has massive OTHER taxes, as you will see, and all "research" repudiated Fairtax, as explained by Boortz, rather than supports it.
There are 2.1 Trillion dollars in Fairtax projected revenue that has nothing to do with personal retail sales. That's how they get their math to add up -- these huge "other" taxes, that they try like hell to make seem like retail sales taxes.
Who really pays? These 1.5 Trillion dollars in taxes on city county and states -- who actually has to pay that?
You do --Fairtax sucker, you do. Fairtax cleverly writes they "assume" wity and states will raise their tax rates appropriately.
How the hell are wages paid by Dallas, and New York, and all cities, and all states, "retail sales?" Sure as hell is not retail sales. Take a look at the amounts cities would have to pay -- and remember, all cities would have to pay, and all counties too. And all states too.
No -- Fairtax was 2.1 Trillion dollars short if they only taxed possible retail sales. So they included all these other taxes to make their math add up
Like -- taxes on all cancer victims, without exception.
Do you think cancer victims can, should, or would pay huge fed taxes, just because they got cancer? Really?
The short answer is -Fairtax sounds great, but is going no where, because of the massive "other" taxes:
The longer answer is below.
Yes, Fairtax sounds great! Fooled us too, until we read the fine print and asked questions, such as "What the hell is that tax on cities for 200 billion, doing in a footnote."
Questions like "What the hell is this huge tax on cancer patients, and nursing home residents, doing in there?"
Questions like "How the hell is life saving surgery on a child, a retail sale?"
Fairtax of course did not make these huge other taxes obvious -- Neal Boortz sure never told you about them, in his Fairtax Book. But even in the legislation, you have to read the words carefully, as President Bush Tax Panel did.
A retail sales tax on personal consumption? That's what they said for years, in a dozen books, thousands of speeches, and hundreds of videos.
A tax on your city for capital expenditures. A tax on your city for wages expenditures. Taxes on your city or state when they built a highway or bridge a library, a sewer system, whatever, your city would owe 23% advance tax on that.
How the hell is that a personal retail sales tax? ITS NOT.
How the hell is that even rational? And what's it doing in a footnote?
Think California would send in over 1 Billion dollars, in advance or otherwise, for their capital expenditure of the massive bridge project? Really?
So California would have to read this document by Fairtax, see that footnote, and send in over 1 Billion dollars? Because there is no where else that Fairtax hustlers mention this.
Still sound transparent to you --Boortz said the best thing about Fairtax, is how transparent it is!
Is cancer surgery a retail sale? Call it a personal retail sale if you want, call it a banana, they tax all cancer surgery "consumption".
Even a woman on medicare with breast cancer would be liable -- yes, she would -- for 40,000 dollars in fed taxes, just on her "consumption" of breast surgery goods and services. This was confirmed, reluctantly, by Neal Boortz himself, who could not weasel out of the question put to him by a very direct reporter.
We show you the fine print tricks, that cleverly says what they tax would include cancer surgery "consumed" by Medicare patients, and massive other things, in a way you may not notice. That's what we mean by fine print tricks.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel exposed these fine print tricks -- politely, and in academic terms. In private, the Tax Panel called Fairtax a scam by "liars" but in public, they had to be polite. We won't be so polite.
The President's Tax Panel showed the fine print tricks -- 300 words, mixed in the 2 million words in Fairtax documents -- that have the massive "other taxes" . Very few words to inject 2.1 Trillion dollars into their revenue projections.
Without these 300 words, Fairtax can't inject these 2.1 Trillion dollars into their projected revenue -- or as they call it, their "tax base".
The only reason Fairtax seems like it could be 23%, is that Fairtax has all these other goofy hidden taxes. And they did it, using words, written carefully.
The President's Tax Advisory Panel had no trouble spotting the fine print tricks, even though it was only 300 words out of some 2 million words. But the Tax Panel eat fine print tricks for breakfast and spit them out for lunch. The 300 words are quite noticable, when you are not fooled already into the ruse that it's a retail sales tax. There is nothing in HR25 about a simple retail sales tax to replace anything.
Cancer surgery is taxed, and the person using any cancer surgery or chemo is personally liable, even destitute cancer victims, Alzheimer patients, there are no exceptions. We show you below.
Neal Boortz reluctantly admitted all cancer patients, even the poor, are liable for the 23% tax on their "consumption" of health care services.
Neal Boortz lied to us about what Fairtax taxes -- he "razzle dazzled" us on 65% of Fairtax revenue, because 65% of Fairtax revenue has NOTHING to do with personal consumption at "point of purchase"
Neal would throw around terms for stupid people like "point of purchase" - knowing every time he said it, that was not what Fairtax was. Did you know Boortz was paid to sell you that lie about Fairtax?
Yes, he was paid.
We have offered Neal 50,000 dollars, for years now, if he will show ANYTHING in HR25 that proves it's a personal retail sales tax. Here is why he can't do that.... Fairtax slick multi- part way of telling you what they tax. These are the most important words 15 words in that 300 word fine print trick.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.
Fairtax is a tax all personal consumption expenditures-- not just retail sales. Remember that.
Retail sales tax, as President Bush Tax Panel showed, only brings in, in todays dollars. 1.4Trillion. To get 3.5 Trillion in revenue, Fairtax taxes just what they say in the fine print -- "all personal consumption expenditures and government consumption expenditures.
SO they do tell you -- in a few words here and there, in what we call fine print tricks. These few dozen words are drastically different than what Fairtax hustlers like Boortz tell you, for example, in the Fairtax Books.
Fairtax huge taxes on city county and states is not in dispute --their spokesmen admit it, see below.
Why is that impossible to collect? Because no city would pay it. They are not told of it, for one thing. There is no way for them to know about it, it's mentioned so deceptively. Should Dallas read the fine print trick about the tax on all "government expenditures" and send in 100 million?
Even if Fairtax had made it clear, no city would pay it. The fed gov can not tax cities or counties or states. And Fairtax leaders admit it -- they say "we assume" we will be able to collect that tax. Very slick.
Fairtax put these taxes in the fine print to make their math add up. According to President Bush Tax Panel, who exposed the hustle, politely, in 2004, without these huge "other taxes" Fairtax rate would be 89%, not 23%.
Apparently, Fairtax did not want to admit a retail consumption tax would be 89%. So they included massive other taxes to make their math add up on paper.
Neal Boortz, in the Fairtax Book, made Fairtax sound almost magical -- a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. That's what his book, speeches, videos say.
But that is not what the fine print tricks say. The actual legislation is quite different --if you read it closely.
With 100 sponsors in Congressional and all that "research" (there is no research) Fairtax should be a shoo in, at least to pass the House. But no one takes it seriously, because as great as it sounds, it's a deliberate hustle. No, it's not a great idea, with a few "flaws". You don't need to lie about 2 trillion dollars if your idea has any merit at all.
But you can call it political theater if you want. Does not matter what anyone calls it, magic or a fraud.
It's the fine print that matters. In the fine print are massive "assumptions" that are goofy as hell. They might as well said they "assume" they can tax moonbeams and baby fars.
No, they didn't say they could tax moonbeams and baby farts for 2Trillion. But they did cleverly "assume" 2Trillion in other taxes -- taxes than have nothing to do with retail sales.
Fairtax claims they would be "revenue" neutral -- about 3.5 Trillion. But retail sales tax would only bring in 1.4 Trillion.
Where does the other 2.1 Trillion dollars come from? From "assumed" taxes -- not proven, not even stated clearly. Fairtax parsed words carefully -- we show you, in about 300 words, to insert 2.1 Trillion dollars in "other taxes:".
We were fooled by Boortz because he claimed 22 million dollars in research -- a common lie by Fairtax. We believed it at first -- the more more "fine print tricks" we say, we asked to see that "research".
There is none. NONE. In fact, we have offered Boortz 50,000 cash -- he can donate it to any charity or keep it. Just show one page -- one page! -- of that "research" about Fairtax as a simple personal retail sales tax that would replace all other fed taxes.
There is no research to support Fairtax, because Fairtax is a fraud. In fact, the man Neal Boortz told us Fairtax did the "extensive research" that Fairtax was founded on, repudiated Fairtax, categorically, but politely. See below. Fairtax simply lied -- yes lied - about the research. To the extent any "research" was done, Fairtax was exposed for it's massive other taxes, so it's only partly a personal retail sales tax.
Boortz can tell you whatever he was paid to --- but here is what is in the actual legislation and fine print tricks.
They tax all consumption. So you think that "consumption" means retail personal consumption?
Not even close. See their definition here, of "consumption".
Yes, you think "consumption" must mean personal consumption, like Boortz told you -- taxes on a toaster, on a jacket.
He never mentioned 40,000 fed tax on cancer surgery and chemo,that all cancer victims would be liable for -- no exceptions. Even Medicare patients are personally liable. That is how Fairtax math adds up, as you will see.
It's so easy to miss, because this definition is way down in the bowels of one of their documents from Beacon Hill.
They tax all personal consumption expenditures-- very different animal. And they tax all government consumption expenditures -- very different animal.
That is Fairtax official definition of consumption.
Someone pays. As Neal Boortz told us, "only people pay taxes". Neal said --ironically -- that corporate taxes are "a cruel hoax" because you pay those anyway.
The person using the goods or services pays! That's what it says! But how is your city a person, if the person pays? How is Chicago a person? How do they tax your county? Here is how- - this definition...
Apparently the same folks hired Beacon Hill to write the fine print --and in there, as President Bush Tax Panel found, are massive other taxes, that are impossible, unconstitutional, and hidden for the sole purpose of making their math add up on paper.
Neal didn't mention the 100 million dollar tax on Dallas for their wage expenditures. Nor did he mention the fact that Fairtax "assumption" is that Dallas and every city would drastically raise taxes. You have to read their fine print for that.
You can't just blame Neal. Fairtax claims a list of 80 "economists" who verified Fairtax and urged President Bush to examine it.
Or did they? We called or emailed a dozen of those "economist" who Fairtax claimed signed some letter, yet only one of them stood by Fairtax, after learning of the fine print tricks. And that guy works for Fair Tax.
In fact, the "economist" we talked to were embarrassed they had backed Fairtax at all, and had never heard of these huge taxes on cities for wages, pensions, and operational expenditures, which is unconstitutional as hell. And hidden.
As you see, in Fairtax own documents, WAY down in the fine print, they assume Los Angeles, Dallas, all cities, all counties, and all states will raise your taxes.
That's not what we said -- that's what Fairtax documents said -- waaaay down in the fine print tricks. Raise your taxes!
What the hell?
Fairtax hopes we believe "illegals" and "tourist" will pay so much in "retail sales taxes" that their numbers work. That's not in their numbers, either. That's just in Neal's Book, it has no basis in fact.
It might SOUND reasonable that suddenly "illegals" will pay, but Fairtax math already included all retail sales. Retail sales do not jump 400%. Remember, retail sales are already factored in, unless "illegals" drastically increase their spending (by about 1,000%) Fairtax still does not add up.
The only way Fairtax adds up, on paper, is if they include these 2.1 trillion dollars in fine print trick taxes.
But the tax on personal retail sales, that's possible, is about 1.4 Trillion. They were 2.1 Trillion dollars short. So cleverly, fraudulently in our opinion, they inserted these massive other taxes.
Dallas Texas city council, for example, would owe a 23% tax on their wage expenditures, as you will see. That would be over 100 million dollars.
Benefits are taxed too -- the "fair market value" of any benefit -- see for yourself.....
But who pays those -- really? Most of Fairtax revenue comes from these impossible taxes on city county and states. Dallas city council would owe 100 million, NYC 3Billion, but who pays that?
Neal Boortz, facing a direct question on FOX news, was asked if cancer surgery is taxed. Yes, it is. And chemo. And Alzheimer care. And nursing home care. Neal quickly changed the subject, but had to admit, yes, all cancer victims are personally liable, there are no exceptions whatsoever.
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Grover Norquest backed Fairtax, early on. Why did he suddenly back off? We don't know, but probably he read the fine print or someone told him about it.
Even Herman Cain backed off, suddenly, about the time testimony to Ways Means Committee about Fairtax fraud showed up on their web site. Herman went with the even more insane, if that's possible, 9-9-9, which had no extensive fine print anyway. It was an idea his goofy "financial" advisor dreamed up, a financial advisor that loved Fairtax.
See why President Bush Tax Panel, in private, said Fairtax folks "lie a lot"?
But if you read all their documents, word for word, definition by definition, assumption by assumption, it's there.
What about all that "research"?
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Dale Jorgenson politely repudiated Boortz claim of research supporting Fairtax. |
Even the guy who did the "research" -- Dale Jorgenson -- repudiated what Neal claimed, a week after the Fairtax Book came out, see below.
And Jorgenson did not okay these huge other taxes that Fairtax hid in the fine print --he was just repudiating the Boortz lie that research showed prices would fall. No such research exist, and that's not even addressing these huge hidden taxes.
Once you learn the fine print tricks,see if you agree: only hustlers or liars could or would represent this nonsense as a tax plan.
22 Million in research? Well, show it to us.
First, here is no research -- or if there is, they have never shown it. Yeah, I know, they claimed 22 million dollars in research. But they have never shown it. We have offered 50,000 dollars if they will show us one page their "research" that proves it's a personal retail sales tax.
They show you stuff from Beacon Hill, but that is not research at all. Beacon Hill is their public relations firm, they are paid. But read their stuff closely. They are the fine print trick experts -- they won't outright lie for Fairtax. They leave that to Boortz Huckabee and others. Instead, Beacon Hill parses their words with things like "assumptions" of massive tax increases.
So why not tell Chicago city council about it? Or Dallas? Because that would give away their fraud.
Remember, they tell you, in the fine print, that they tax whatever NIPA claims is "consumption expenditures" is taxed. So what if Neal told you it was retail sales? That's not in the fine print. In the fine print are these massive other taxes.
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Fairtax refuses to show anything like this.
Laurence J Kotlikoff wrote much of the deceptive BS in Fairtax documents for Beacon Hill. But did he lie?
Not really, sure he misled, that's what he was paid to do. His articles tell you -- they tax all consumption as defined by NIPA. Kotlikoff never said it was a simple personal retail sales tax -- that was Boortz, remember?
But the same people who paid Boortz, also paid Kotlikoff. That's right, both were paid by same folks. Pretty cool trick, huh?
Kotlikoff even listed the various parts of consumption -- if you can find that document, which most people can not. And you would have to ignore everything you THOUGHT you know about Fairtax.
Is it Kotlikoff's fault you didn't find his document and read page 666 -667? It it his fault you thought Fairtax Book was on the level?
KOTLIKOFF and others told you -- cleverly, in 300 words out of 2 million words -- about these huge other taxes.
Neal and others may tell you Fairtax completely untaxes the poor-- etc. Like this recent tweet from Fairtax.org itself. They have started lying brazeningly.
But in the legislation, there are no exceptions. So is the guy tweeting about FREE OF TAX, is of course, lying. Notice, this sweet came from some fool or hustler at Fairtax "Nation". Either he is just stupid and does not know, or he is lying and does know. Either way, Fairtax fine print is very emphatic, they tax all consumption, without exception, and their prebate is a part of the entire fraud.
The "research" Neal tries to sell as proving Fairtax, was done by Dale Jorgenson, according to Neal himself, in the Fairtax Book. Neal's slick lies in that book give the impression Harvard's Dale Jorgenson proved all these great sounding things. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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1) C. The breast cancer victim would owe 46,000 dollars as fairtax fed tax, just on the "consumption" of medical goods and services. Yes, it's impossible for a destitute woman to pay 46K in fed taxes. Fairtax knows that. But they needed their math to add up.
2) C. Dallas would owe 70 million dollars as fed "Fairtax." Actual numbers would be twice that, because the numbers in the example were very conservative. And Dallas, per Fairtax fine print tricks, would or should "raise their tax rates" appropriately.
We loved Fairtax -- so simple. Very very simple, Neal Boortz told up. An almost magical personal retail sales tax -- 23%. That replaces all other fed taxes!
A personal retail sales tax, or "point of purchase" personal tax. So simple. So easy. Only lobbyist and IRS agents would hate it.
The only problem, Neal Boortz told us, would be where to put all the money. In his Fairtax Book, he said the average paycheck will go up 50%. And prices will drop 22%. All kinds of great things will happen.
We have offered-- for three years now -- 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove Fairtax is not a fraud. Fairtax is not a simple personal retail sales tax because about 3/4 of the revenue in Fairtax would be from absurd hidden and impossible taxes. Only about 1/4 of it would be from personal retail sales, like they describe.
A personal retail sales tax, or "point of purchase" personal tax. So simple. So easy. Only lobbyist and IRS agents would hate it.
The only problem, Neal Boortz told us, would be where to put all the money. In his Fairtax Book, he said the average paycheck will go up 50%. And prices will drop 22%. All kinds of great things will happen.
We have offered-- for three years now -- 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove Fairtax is not a fraud. Fairtax is not a simple personal retail sales tax because about 3/4 of the revenue in Fairtax would be from absurd hidden and impossible taxes. Only about 1/4 of it would be from personal retail sales, like they describe.
Does Fairtax really believe New York City (and every city) will pay massive taxes on their wage, pension, and operational expenditures? No, of course not. They aren't stupid.
So why does Fairtax have huge impossible and unconstitutional taxes hidden in the fine print?
To make their math add up. Every lie, every footnote trick, every 5 part deceptive definition, every goofy "assumption" in Fairtax documents you will never see, is to make their math add up.
And we offer 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove otherwise. Specifically, just show anything -- anything at all - in Fairtax that proves it's a simple personal retail sales tax.
Fairtax spokesmen Neal Boortz had to admit it, on FOX news. A reporter asked him if even the poor are liable for "cancer taxes". Neal said yes, but added quickly "don't worry, we will save her (cancer victim) so much, it won't matter".
You actually need to find out what Fairtax calls "NIPA" definitions in this document. Oh, you never saw it? They hoped you wouldn't see it.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel showed this clever hustle -- it was not that hard, they just had to read all of the documents, closely. Every footnote.
Like footnote 19, about massive advance taxes every city county and state would have to pay -- in advance. See footnote 19, its one of the clever deception tricks in Fairtax. Put there by lying bastards to fool you. Not to inform you.
It does not matter if Neal told you it was a retail sales tax, if Huckabee told you it was just a simple tax at the store, whatever anyone told you, does not matter.
It's the fine print in the legislation and supporting documents that matter.
Yes, a 40,000 fed tax on your cancer surgery and chemo will matter. And anyway, why should cancer victims pay huge fed taxes? Just because they got sick?
Cancer victims should NOT be taxed 40,000 dollars, just because they got sick.
So why does Fairtax have these massive other taxes -- like the cancer tax?
To make their math add up, that's why.
Better read the fine print -- especially when they promise so much, for so little.
SHould be very easy to show, right?
Huckabee, Hannity, and Boortz, were all paid to sell Fairtax as a "very simple" personal retail sales tax. Did they know the fine print tricks?
Why wouldn't Fairtax spokesmen show the research anyway?
Why wouldnt Fairtax leaders ever show the part of Fairtax legislation that says it's a simple retail sales tax?
Because there is no such research. And there is no such fine print. Yes, Fairtax does have a personal retail sales tax -- as a small part. But most of Fairtax has nothing to do with personal retail sales.
Huckabee, Hannity, and Boortz, were all paid to sell Fairtax as a "very simple" personal retail sales tax. Did they know the fine print tricks?
Why wouldn't Fairtax spokesmen show the research anyway?
Why wouldnt Fairtax leaders ever show the part of Fairtax legislation that says it's a simple retail sales tax?
Because there is no such research. And there is no such fine print. Yes, Fairtax does have a personal retail sales tax -- as a small part. But most of Fairtax has nothing to do with personal retail sales.
Most of Fairtax revenue come from layer upon layer of impossible hidden impossible and unconstitutional absurdities. They might as well pretend to tax moonbeams and baby farts. Fairtax is a lie, by lying bastards, and we are going to show you how they did it.
We don't why why -- but we can show you how.
(warning -- blunt language ahead)
But sadly, taxes are the playground of lying bastards. We thought Fairtax was different -- no, in fact Fairtax is a fraud.
We bought into Fairtax, mostly because Neal claimed "research" and "transparency". Who would lie about research -- you can check that. (So we did). And if it was not transparent, you could find out soon enough by asking questions. (So we did that too.
The first bizzare impossible thing we found out about Fairtax was the research lie. Yes, lie. Their own guy -- Dale Jorgenson -- who Boortz said proved all this and did the "extensive research" went on CNN and pretty much repudiated everything Boortz said. Furthermore, Boortz has refused to release any research by Jorgenson or anyone else. See what Boortz tries to tell suckers is "research" below.
Then we read the fine print. And looked at the "research".
The "fairtax calculator" does not calculate anything -- in fact, it does not allow you to even enter any information that matters, taxable consumption. See it exposed here Calculator Fairtax Outright Literal Fraud
Their is no research whatsoever like Boortz claimed -- it does not exist. If you can find even one page of it, let us see it.
What Fairtax hopes you think is "research" is their own hustle, written by Beacon Hill. That's not research at all. Beacon Hill would bend the truth -- but not outright lie. In their own footnotes and fine print trick are the "assumption" tricks, and "definition" tricks we show show below. But there is no research at all about a simple personal retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes.,
The "fairtax calculator" does not calculate anything -- in fact, it does not allow you to even enter any information that matters, taxable consumption. See it exposed here Calculator Fairtax Outright Literal Fraud
Their is no research whatsoever like Boortz claimed -- it does not exist. If you can find even one page of it, let us see it.
What Fairtax hopes you think is "research" is their own hustle, written by Beacon Hill. That's not research at all. Beacon Hill would bend the truth -- but not outright lie. In their own footnotes and fine print trick are the "assumption" tricks, and "definition" tricks we show show below. But there is no research at all about a simple personal retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes.,
In the fine print are massive other taxes. Like cancer taxes on Medicare patients -- 39,000 dollars in cancer taxes on every medicare patient who "consumes" goods or services of 170K, no exceptions whatsoever.
We found that idiotically, and fraudulently, Fairtax hides taxes like the 4Billion dollar tax on New York City for their wage and pension expenditures.

Do you really think NYC is going to pay 4Billion in wage and pension expenditure taxes, cause lying bastards wrote some bullshit in a footnote? It took a Presidental Tax Advisory Panel to expose the goofy impossible taxes. We show you how they hid them -- and where.
Fairtax sounds great -- but we have offered 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove it's not a fraud. Just show anything in HR25 about a simple personal retail sales or consumption tax, that replaces all other fed taxes.
You don't even have to prove it works. Fairtax is a goofy fraud -- 3/4 of it's tax revenues are impossible bullshit, (excuse our French). It's not the retail sales tax that is the problem -- but Fairtax has massive other taxes, that they hide in what we call fine print tricks. These other taxes can not be imposed or collected. They are layers of absurd nonsense -- like impossible tax on cancer victims, even those on Medicare.
Fairtax is not an economic plan, or a tax plan. It's not even rational, which is why the lying bastards used fine print tricks.
We show you the fine print tricks.
Neal Boortz was paid to tell us, it's a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. Untaxes the poor. Makes USA the "economic powerhouse of the world." It even solves illegal immigration!
Just a simple personal retail sales tax -- at "point of purchase" You will see the fed tax on your cash register receipt. Take home pay goes up average of 50%, while prices fall 22%
And it's all "researched" and proven.
But that was all a lie -- and Neal knew it, There is no research. Fairtax is a fraud. It does not untax anyone. It's actually layers upon layers of impossible hidden taxes.
We have offered 50,000 dollars to anyone who can prove otherwise.
Why? Because most of Fairtax
Most of Fairtax has nothing to do with retail, nothing to do with personal sales, and nothing to do with personal consumption. This chart is based on testimony to Ways Means Committee, June of 2011.
The blue part -- the personal retail sales tax -- is not the problem.The problem is all the other hidden taxes. |
The basic fraud in Fairtax is simple -they have massive impossible goofy and hidden taxes.
As President Bush Tax Panel showed in 2004, without these "hidden" taxes, Fairtax would have to admit an 89% tax rate.
Those "other taxes" carefully placed -- hard to find if you just read it casually, and don't read every footnote, every document, and mostly, if you believe the hustle.
The 300 words that matter -- the huge "other taxes" -- are scattered throughout a dozen documents, like MSG in a Chinese Buffet.
Remember this -- it's not the personal retail sales tax that is the problem.
It's the 2 trillion in other taxes, that they hide in those 300 words, that are the problem.
999,700 words in the books, videos, and speeches, give the impression it's a personal retail sales tax. The "real deal" is in the legislation and supporting documents. It really doesn't matter what the hustle is -- that's the distortion, the hustle, the fraud.
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WILLIAM GALE PhD, Stanford, Head of Bush Tax Advisory Panel exposed the fine print tricks -- politely. |
Only 300 words in Fairtax fine print matters. Those 300 words contain most of the revenue. The other 999,700 words give you the IMPRESSION it's a simple personal retail sales tax.
As President Bush Tax Panel proved, if Fairtax only taxed retail sales, the tax rate would be 89%. No one is stupid enough to sell an 89% fed retail sales tax.
Fairtax is actually an absurdity, it has layers upon layer of hidden taxes. You have to read and understand the other 300 words.
For example, this five part "definition" trick which, when you tape them all together and validate it by other Fairtax documents, is a 800 billion dollar tax on wages and pensions.
Wage and pension tax? Yes. All "non-educational" expenditures by every city county and state, your city county and state have to pay 23% tax to the fed gov.
Did you know that? Don't feel bad -- Fairtax hasn't told any city county or state either.
The huge "other" taxes -- wage pension and expenditure taxes -- are not in dispute. Repeated official Fairtax spokesmen confirm it -- it's in their fine print, it's not an opinion, it is part of the legislation.
The only thing in "dispute" is the amount -- and get this, they won't say. They won't even esitmate. How much would NYC owe in wage and pension expenditure taxes?
No one -- no one -- at Fairtax will say.
How much will Chicago or St. Louis or Cook County, or Steamboat Springs or Eugene Oregon have to pay? No one at Fiartax will say. Let me repeat that -- it's in the legislation, their own spokesmen admit these huge taxes are there-- but they won't explain or estimate them.
What taxes are hidden?
Like the goofy impossible $39,000 tax on a destitute cancer victim, "without exception".
Like the hidden 4Billion dollar tax on New York City as a wage and pension tax.
Do you see this "prepayment" approach absurdity? They "adopt" this approach? What the hell does that mean?
And this is a tax on wages, capital investments -- it's hard to tell what the hell they are talking about.
And it's only in a footnote -- yes, a FOOTNOTE. This is a 300 billion dollar tax, only mentioned in a FOOTNOTE. It's not in the legislation, it's in their "supporting documents".
How the hell would city county and states even know about any of this, unless they read every footnote in every piece of paper. They just "adopt" an approach!
Why? For the same reason the do all the other fine print tricks. To fool you.
Why? For the same reason the do all the other fine print tricks. To fool you.
How is this "transparent"? Taxes on wages and pensions? In advance? Taxes on capital investments? In advance no less?
Don't you think cities should know this?
REmember, Boortz said the best thing about Fairtax is how "transparent" it was. No BS, no tricks. Really? We still offer Neal 50K if he can prove it's not a fraud -- see details. He can donate to any charity he likes. All he or anyone has to do is show anything in HR25 proving factually that Fairtax is a simple personal retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes.
Don't you think cities should know this?
REmember, Boortz said the best thing about Fairtax is how "transparent" it was. No BS, no tricks. Really? We still offer Neal 50K if he can prove it's not a fraud -- see details. He can donate to any charity he likes. All he or anyone has to do is show anything in HR25 proving factually that Fairtax is a simple personal retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes.
Seriously -- who puts a 300 billion dollar ADVANCE tax in a footnote? Well Fairtax does.
Welcome to the world of Fairtax fraudulent fine print tricks.
Do you think a destitute cancer victim will pay 39K in fed taxes, just on her breast cancer "goods and services"? Because for Fairtax math to work, billions would have to come in from these hidden taxes.
Do you think New York City will send in 4Billion dollars and "raise their tax rates appropriately" as Fairtax fine print so sly states? Because to work, over 1.5 trillion would have to come in from these hidden taxes.
For example, Fairtax taxes all cancer surgery patients 39,000 dollars if they "consume" 170K in health care services and goods. Even medicare patients are personally liable.
How can medicare patients be taxed, in the legislation? It does not say that clearly -- so where is it?
That's how fine print tricks work. They say it - -but deliberately make it deceptive. Here are the parts that would tax all medicare patients on all health care benefits, including cancer surgery:
While the HUSTLE says they tax personal retail sales -- the actual legislation says they tax what NIPA defines as "personal consumption and government consumption expenditures."
Cancer surgery is in NIPA definitions of personal consumption.
These huge wage and expenditures taxes on all city county and states, and the huge taxes on all cancer victims, are NOT in dispute. Fairtax leaders, when questioned in a way they can't wiggle out, admit these taxes are there (see more below).
Even when they admit these huge wage, pension, operational expenditure taxes-- they simply refuse to give any further information about it. For example, if a medicare patient with breast cancer has 170,000 in "consumption" of surgery and chemo - how much is she liable? The math shows it would be 39,000 dollars.
Fairtax won't tell you how she would pay.
It's bad enough (fraudulent enough) that Fairtax didn't tell us about these huge other taxes at the start. But when you discover them in the fine print tricks, they still refuse to explain them.
That's exactly what fraudulent about Fairtax. It's not a well intentioned plan with a few "kinks" that need to be "fixed". It's a fraud because the vast majority of tax revenue is impossible BS and they know it.
Regarding the tax on cancer victims who are poor, Neal Boortz on FOX news, just said "Oh that doesn't matter, we will save her that much". Really? They will save the medicare patient with breast cancer 39,000 dollars so she can pay a tax Fairtax hid in the fine print?
All personal and government consumption, including capital expenditures, wages, pensions, operational costs -- are of course DRASTICALLY larger than retail sales alone.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel told the public about the hustle -- in very polite terms, publically. National Review exposed it more bluntly -- at the bottom of this entry, we will paste Bruce Barlett's 2004 article in NRO.
I private, William Gale, head of the Tax Panel that unraveled the fine print tricks, said Fairtax spokesmen "Lie a lot". Indeed -- they did and do.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel did not have that hard of a job to do to expose the fraud. They simply read the fine print. We show you the fine print.
Without exception. That means your cancer surgery is taxed, without exception. No, remember, it does not matter who actually paid for the cancer surgery -- read it closely. The person "using or consuming" the goods or services is liable.
Without exception.
So Boortz may tell you they "completely untax the poor" -- but that's a lie, a fraud, and Neal was paid to give out those lies. Yes, he was paid, and yes he was lying.
Nothing in HR25 exempts the poor, quite the opposite in fact.
You have to ignore the hustle -- the book, the speeches, the videos. Those are all part of the hustle -- and none of them are true factually, none of them have a true narrative either.
The Tax Panel didn't give a shit what Neal Boortz put in his fraudulent book -- it didn't matter. They didn't give a shit what Fairtax hustlers said in the books,videos and speeches.
President Bush Tax Panel just had to read the various Fairtax documents were this fraud is hidden -- in clever fine print tricks.
The chart above roughly represents what NIPA considers "taxable consumption". THAT IS WHAT FAIRTAX TAXES.
That's per their own fine print. Remember that -- the fine print says that. You have to find the document, you have to read it closely, but that's what it says.
Every Fairtax sucker think their magic plan has something to do with personal retail sales. No --that's wrong. Oh, Fairtax has a retail tax in it, as a small part of it.
But what is in the fine print matters -- Fairtax taxes everything that NIPA considers "consumption expenditures" -- including wages and pensions of city and state government.
NIPA considers cancer surgery a consumption. So that's taxed. NIPA considers medicare paid Alzheimer care a consumption expenditure -- so it's taxed.
Fairtax has NOTHING to do with personal retail sales tax, other than retail sales are a small part of it.
not the great sounding fraud. Of course they SOUND great, because the only part you hear is the fraud. Do you know what Fairtax taxes? No -- you don't. We have yet to meet a Fairtax sucker that has a clue.
We have offered -- for three years now -- 50,000 dollars if anyone can show ANYTHING in HR25 about a personal retail sales tax that replaces all other fed taxes,
It's not there. Do you know what is there, in the fine print? Massive goofy impossible taxes -- such as a 4billion dollar tax on New York City for wage expenditure tax.
Like a 150 million dollar tax on Dallas Texas City council, for wage and pension expenditure tax.
Like a 12 billion dollar tax on the state of Florida for wage, pensions and operational expenditures tax.
Like a $40,000 "cancer tax" on destitute cancer victims.
Sure it sounds great. Untaxes the poor -- sounds great. Simple personal retail sales tax-- sounds great. Gets rid of IRS -- sounds great. Illegals will finally pay much of fed tax burden-- sounds great.
And yes, a family of four would be taxed on cancer treatment "consumption" without exception. The dorm costs, same thing.
They would not be taxed on "tuition" consumption, but would be taxed on dorm "consumption" -- again, no exception. The person using or consuming the goods or services are liable, without exception.
Some people would owe 1000% fed tax rate --an absurdity -- if they used or consumed a lot of "goods or services" but had modest income.
Does Fairtax really believe people with breast cancer will can or should pay 40K extra in fed tax, without exception? No -- of course not. They aren't stupid, they are deceptive. Big difference.
If they were stupid they would be honest in the find print, and honest in their books videos and speeches. But they are deceptive because they hide the goofy parts -- such as the tax on all cancer victims.
Why tax cancer victims? For the same reason they have so many other hidden taxes, to make their math add up.
People on Medicare, the poor, are prime examples. No, Fairtax leaders do NOT expect them to pay taxes. But if they exempt cancer surgery, they would expose their own fraud -- that all health care is taxed. If you know all health care is taxed, without exception, you would figure out how goofy it is.
But even people with health insurance, would personally owe the fed tax on their "consumption" of health care. So if your dad had heart surgery, if your mom had hip surgery, and insurance paid most of the bill -- your mom or dad would owe 30-60K in fed taxes, ON TOP of all other fed taxes in Fairtax.
Fairtax documents speak a lot about "TAX BASE" What they should call it is "THINGS WE TAX". But that would be too obvious. Their math is based on actually taxing call cancer and leukemia victims, and much more --as you will see below.
They never give specifics -- unless you force them to answer, like on national TV. Otherwise, you get the run around. They act like it's a simple retail sales tax. It's not.
WITHOUT exception is the exact term in the legislation. The person using or consuming the goods or services is liable -- without exception.
50,000 dollar offer if anyone can prove Fairtax is not a fraud -- see details below.
Fairtax hustle claims it's a personal retail sales tax, completely untaxes the poor. Bullshit -- it's a massive impossible tax on city and county government, plus cancer taxes, rent taxes, even combat wage expenditure taxes. Millions of people -- especially those on Medicare and the poor -- would owe 100% -- 500% tax rates.
Yes -- they would. IN fact, we offer 50,000 dollars if you prove otherwise. See details below.
New York City would owe 4 billion in wages taxes. That's right WAGE taxes. Oh you didn't know all "wage expenditures" to city county and state -- are taxed? Read the fine print.
Wage and pension "expenditures" are taxed. So are all "operational expenditures" of every police department, fire department, court system, prison system, library, etc etc. That's not a personal retail sales tax, thats a tax on NYC and every city county and state for wages it pays out.
Dallas would owe over 100 million, Chicago over 300 million. Just as a tax on wages.
These words (about 27 words) are part of the 300 words in the "fine print tricks" that have massive goofy taxes. And these words are why Neal Boortz had to admit, on FOX news, that all - all -- all -- cancer victims, even the poor, will be personally liable for cancer taxes. All health care is taxed -- the person "using or consuming" the cancer surgery, heart surgery, or any other service is personlly liable.
Did you know that? Did Neal mention that in any book, video or speech?
No - in fact, Neal says in his "Fairtax Book" that your "office visit may be taxed" -- as if it would a minor thing. Neal, deliberately hid from you the fact all cancer patients, heart patients, even the parents of a child with leukemia, would be personally liable for a 23% fed tax -- not on their "purchase" of health care services, but on their "consumption" of it.
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But the cancer taxes are nothing compared to the huge (1.5 Trillion dollar huge) tax on state and local government. Fairtax defines person as many things, one of the words in the definition is "government".
Did you know your city would have to pay a 4 million dollar tax on the "operational" expenditures of 13 million? Chicago would have to pay over 40 million dollar wage, pension, and expenditure tax, just on their library system.
Dallas would owe over 100 million dollar tax just on wage expenditures! But New York City would get the biggest surprise, a 4B dollar wage pension and operational expenditure tax.
How are city counties and states supposed to pay these huge taxes ?
Raise taxes. City county and states will have to raise their tax rates accordingly, sufficiently, appropriately.
See Fairtax cleverly stated "assumption":
That's right, huge taxes on city county and states, that Fairtax itself says should be paid by RAISING TAXES.
Or this
Although President Bush Tax Advisory Panel was polite about it, their report essentially showed Fairtax as a goofy fraud. No, they did not use those terms. But the Tax Panel showed these other huge impossible taxes, like taxes on destitute cancer victims, like the massive taxes on Dallas for 100 million dollars, as a wage and pension tax. New York City would owe 4 billion dollars.
And Fairtax fine print even says -- we show you -- that all cities (including NYC and Dallas) would have to "raise their tax rates" to pay it.
Welcome to world of lying bastards and Fairtax fine print tricks.
Fairtax is nothing like you think.
Fairtax sounds great -- fooled us, and we are not easy to fool about taxes. But then we read the fineprint, and learned about President Bush Tax Advisory Panel report, which exposed Fairtax essentially, but politely, as a fraud.
Fine print tricks like this, in Fairtax documents they know you won't read. This one is in a footnote -- yes a footnote. A 300 billion dollar tax -- in a footnote. Footnote 19.
Who puts a 300 billion dollar tax in a FOOTNOTE? Fairtax.
There are about 300 words used in Fairtax documents which change everything.
The "fraud" in Fairtax is in 300 words -- out of the million or so they use to sell the hustle Yes, the hustle sounds great. But it's those 300 words that matter, because in those 300 words are massive "other taxes" that are impossible, goofy, unconstitutional, and hidden in what we call "fine print tricks".
In fact, we now offer 50,000 dollars --serious legal offer -- if anyone can prove Fairtax is not a goofy fraud, put out by people who know it's a fraud. Not flawed --but a fraud. See more details below about t his 50,000 dollar offer.
Neal told us Fairtax was a "very very " simple tax, a retail sales tax on personal consumption. A "point of purchase" tax. Neal claimed "extensive research" and said only "lobbyist and IRS agents" could be against it. Who would lie about that?
Turns out, Neal would. But it sounded great, right? Just pay that 23% retail sales tax, and all fed taxes are paid -- even social security and medicare.
Check out the fine print -- -- like a 4Billion dollar tax on New York City for wages and pension "expenditures" Yes, NYC would owe the fed gov 4Billion, yes, billion, as a wage -pension expenditure tax.
Dallas would owe over 100 million for their wages and pensions. Chicago, over 200 million, Cook County, over 180 million.
Fairtax never told anyone --it's only in "fine print tricks" and was exposed by President Bush Tax Advisory Panel.
Forget the impossiblity of that -- forget the unconstitutionality of that -- even forget that they hid massive taxes in fine print tricks. How are NYC, Chicago, Cook County, and all cities and states supposed to pay it?
By raising taxes.
Thes wage and pension expenditure taxes are goofy as hell, unconstitutional as hell, and Fairtax hustlers know it. That's why they hid it in the fine print.
But these wage and pension expenditure taxes are only PART of the huge goofy "other taxes". It's not the personal retail sales tax that's the problem --remember that. It's the goofy impossible other taxes they hid in the fine print.
Fairtax used fine print tricks, so their math adds up, or seems to add up, on paper. Their math is fraudulent. But to get the revenue on paper, they had to first put the tax somewhere in writing -- deceptive footnotes, tricky definitions, clever "assumptions" -- whatever worked.
Neal Boortz told his suckers at least 1000 times that Fairtax was "transparent". Simple and "transparent". ''
If it was transparent, of course, NYC city would know about the 4 Billion dollar tax. Chicago would know. Cook County officials would know. Dallas mayor would know.
No one knows -- in fact, Fairtax paid guys like Neal Boortz to lie, to tell people it's "a very very simple personal retail sales tax".
So Fairtax hustlers did not only hide massive taxes in the fine print, they also put effort into giving a profoundly false impression of their tax, to the public.
That's what we call fraud.
Fairtax has 5 layers of taxation. Only one "layer" is a personal retail sales tax. It's a fraud because those "other taxes" are deliberately tucked away in goofy definitions, assumptions and footnotes kept from the public.
We offer 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove Fairtax is not a fraud -- because it is. By fraud, we mean Fairtax has huge impossible unconstitutional goofy taxes in the fine print, such as the cancer victim tax.
The Tax Panel bottom line was this -- without the fraudulent (we call it fraudulent) fine print tricks, Fairtax would need an 89% sales tax rate.
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Jorgenson's research did not support Fairtax, nor anything like it. |
After their BS fine print tricks were exposed, and after their own "researcher" Jorgenson refuted the claims, did Fairtax adjust, amend, or change the hustle? No, they went right on being deceptive -- lying -- about it. Lying in the sense that they told the public, in speeches, books, and videos, a profoundly distorted and false story about a "simple personal retail sales tax" that would replace all other fed taxes.
The blue part -- the personal retail sales tax -- is not the problem.The problem is all the other taxes, shown here. |
Do you really think a medicare patient can will and should pay 40K fed tax, just because she developed cancer? Well, that's the kind of taxes hidden in fairtax fine print tricks. Fairtax con artists don't belive cancer victims can will or should pay -- but they had to tax all health care, to make their fraudulent hustle appear to add up.
Fairtax has 200 billion dollars (or so) in impossible taxes on medicare patients, and others, for their health care consumption. If they "exempted" the poor, or medicare patients, for example, their tax rate would be 35-40%. They can't sell a 35% sales tax rate.
If they exempted cities and states from the goofy "expenditure" tax on wages and pensions, they would have to raise their tax rates to 50%. They could not sell a 50% tax rate, so they have that fraud in the fine print too. Again, by fraud, we mean deliberately deceptive fine print tricks.
All breast cancer patients, all heart bypass patients, would be personally liable for $40,000 fed tax, on the "consumption" of cancer or heart surgery and care, if their "consumption" was $170,000for example.
Does Fairtax just hate cancer victims? No, of course not. Fairtax had to tax all cancer victims, because they needed the math to add up, on paper, to fool their suckers. And they needed many other layers of taxes, to make the fraudulent math add up.
Fairtax isn't flawed. It does not need tweaking. It's literally a FRAUD -- because of the 2 trillion dollars in impossible taxes, revealed in fine print tricks.
Importantly, much of the fine print is in "supporting documents," not only in HR25, Fairtax legislation. Most Fairtax suckers are, frankly, too stupid to read the complicated fine print in HR25, but they would also have to read the "supporting documents" which Fairtax suckers could not even find. The fraud is clear if you read all their tricks, and ask questions, and check the math.
That's what President Bush Tax Advisory Panel did.
For example, the massive (2 Trillion dollars massive) taxes hidden in fine print tricks, are on city and county government. Dallas Texas, for example, would owe over 100 million dollars in wage taxes. Cook County IL, would owe over 200 million dollars in wage, pensions, and "operational expenditures" taxes.
So the bulk of Fairtax -- 2 trillion dollars, has nothing to do with personal retail sales taxes. But you have to see their "supporting" documents to get any information about that, at all.
In a footnote -- you heard right a footnote -- Fairtax "casually" mentions that they "adopt" a "prepay approach" to taxing "government".
What the hell does that mean? Remember, they sell us Fairtax as a "very very simple" personal retail sales taxes.
It's not just that they hide 2 trillion dollars in fine print tricks -- the bigger problem is, most this is impossible -- literally, absolutely, impossible. No, we don't mean sorta impossible, we mean IMPOSSIBLE.
So it's in the fine print -- no, they don't mention cancer surgery in the fine print, they just say "all consumption" of goods and services "without exception". You have to ask them if cancer surgery and chemo is exempt -- no, it's not. All cancer surgery and chemo is taxed. Fairtax added all health care consumption into the "tax base" -- see tax base trick exposed.
A cancer victim, on medicare or not, with insurance or not, would be personally liable for 40,000 dollars in fed tax, if they "consume" breast cancer goods and services of 170,000 dollars. Neal Boortz himself said no cancer victim is exempt. "Don't worry," said Neal on FOX news, "we save her (the cancer victim) so much, it won't be a problem".
Do you really believe a destitute breast cancer victim can pay 40 in fed taxes, just on their "consumption" of cancer surgery?
If you believe that, you are the perfect Fairtax sucker. Fairtax told it's suckers (I was one, too) that it's a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. Remember that.
in the sense that most of its tax revenue is hidden in what we call fine print tricks, and they are hidden for this reason -- they are impossible to enact, impossible to collect.
It's not the retail part of Fairtax that is the problem. Remember that -- its the 2 + Trillion dollars in other taxes that's the problem. You are told Fairtax is a very very simple retail sales tax on personal consumption.
Part of it is -- like part of my car is muffler. But by far the biggest part of Fairtax has nothing to do with personal retail sales, just like the biggest part of my car is not a muffler.
Fairtax didn't tell you even half the story. They left out the fraud.
Fairtax was exposed politely by President Bush Tax Advisory Panel, and less politely by National Review. The hustle was simple -- hide what you really tax in "fine print tricks" while you sell it as "very very simple" personal retail sales tax.
Testimony to House Ways Means Committee, in June of 2011, showed that Fairtax has 2 trillion dollars in impossible goofy hidden taxes.
"About time the government paid taxes" said Fairtax spokesmen. David Kendall, PhD, defended the massive wage and pension expenditure taxes by saying "We are just asking city and states to pay".
No -- they did not ask. That's just the point. They hid it in the fine print tricks.
How would cities pays they huge tax? There again -- see the fine print.
See why you need to read the fine print closely -- very closely?
They have massive other taxes - and then "assume" city and states will "take necessary measures" to raise tax rates.
Pretty slick fraud -- and that's exactly what this is. Telling people in public, in books, in videos, in speeches, that it's "A very very simple personal retail sales tax" but then have massive other taxes in the fine print, is fraud, the way we look at it. You can call it what you like.
If you live in Dallas, your city would owe over 100 million dollars -- in wage taxes ALONE. Do you think Dallas should have been told?
Do you seriously think Dallas, and every city, will send in many billions --collectively with states over a trillion -- dollars? Remember, they haven't been told. It's only in the sneaky fine print tricks. No city, no county, no state has any idea.
Think they are going to send in over a trillion dollars because some hustlers wrote down some fine print tricks?
Remember, all "non-educational" expenditures by your city, are taxed. Not just wage expenditures. Not just pension expenditures. ALL expenditures, are taxed, other than educational.
So if Dallas has 50 million dollars in library "expenditures" -- Dallas would owe almost 13 million dollars to the fed gov.
Fairtax spokesmen Kendall, Bennett, and others admit these huge taxes -- of course they do, they are in the fine print. But they disagree with the estimates here. Fine -- let them show their own estimates.
They won't do it. They admit it's a 23% tax on wage expenditures, on all non-educational expenditures -- but refuse to provide any figures of their own, for any city, any county, or any state. Why the secrecy?
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"About time the government paid taxes" said Fairtax spokesmen. David Kendall, PhD, defended the massive wage and pension expenditure taxes by saying "We are just asking city and states to pay".
No -- they did not ask. That's just the point. They hid it in the fine print tricks.
How would cities pays they huge tax? There again -- see the fine print.
See why you need to read the fine print closely -- very closely?
They have massive other taxes - and then "assume" city and states will "take necessary measures" to raise tax rates.
Pretty slick fraud -- and that's exactly what this is. Telling people in public, in books, in videos, in speeches, that it's "A very very simple personal retail sales tax" but then have massive other taxes in the fine print, is fraud, the way we look at it. You can call it what you like.
If you live in Dallas, your city would owe over 100 million dollars -- in wage taxes ALONE. Do you think Dallas should have been told?
Do you seriously think Dallas, and every city, will send in many billions --collectively with states over a trillion -- dollars? Remember, they haven't been told. It's only in the sneaky fine print tricks. No city, no county, no state has any idea.
Think they are going to send in over a trillion dollars because some hustlers wrote down some fine print tricks?
Remember, all "non-educational" expenditures by your city, are taxed. Not just wage expenditures. Not just pension expenditures. ALL expenditures, are taxed, other than educational.
So if Dallas has 50 million dollars in library "expenditures" -- Dallas would owe almost 13 million dollars to the fed gov.
Fairtax spokesmen Kendall, Bennett, and others admit these huge taxes -- of course they do, they are in the fine print. But they disagree with the estimates here. Fine -- let them show their own estimates.
They won't do it. They admit it's a 23% tax on wage expenditures, on all non-educational expenditures -- but refuse to provide any figures of their own, for any city, any county, or any state. Why the secrecy?
All cities are taxed accordingly -- Chicago, over 200 million, New York City, over 300 million. Massive taxes -- that are unconstitutional and goofy as hell.
How is that a personal retail sales tax?
Fairtax is a fraud because 1) they lie their asses about what it taxes, and 2) The fine print hides massive impossible illegal and unconstitutional absurdities.
It's like selling Penis Enlargement pills as a "scientific breakthrough" but in the fine print, cleverly saying you "assume" the sugar pills are magic.
Most of Fairtax revenue is as real as a tax on moonbeams and baby farts, because most of their tax revenue is irrational nonsense. Fairtax is a fraud -- deliberate deception -- because Fairtax leaders are well aware it's irrational nonsense.
Oh -- the personal retail sales tax part is fine -- no problem. Have the national retail sales tax if you want, that part is rational. But that part is only a small part of fairtax. That's the hustle, the fraud -- the other massive taxes, hidden in fine print tricks.
Taxes on all cancer victims, for example -- no exceptions. The "person using or consuming" the goods or services is liable. No exceptions.
Can all cancer victims pay 23% fed tax tax on their 100,000 or even 200,000 "consumption" of surgery and chemo? Of course not. Should cancer victims have 30,000 or 50,000 fed tax just because they are fighting cancer?
Even medicare patients would be personally liable for these taxes on their health care consumption.
If Fairtax were "transparent" as Neal Boortz claimed, all cities would know that. All cancer victims would know that.
Fairtax actively and purposely hid these goofy impossible parts of the plan in "fine print tricks" we show you.
Fairtax not only didn't tell anyone -- it's almost imossible to see it in only the fine print in HR25. It's there -- but it's not clear. Only by double checking their "supporting" documents can you tell for sure.
Think Dallas is going to send in 100 million dollars or more on "wage taxes" ? Really? So what could make them? Nothing. There is no way the fed gov can will or should impose 100 million dollars in wage taxes, that Fairtax hid in some goofy fine print, to make their math add up.
That's why Fairtax has these huge goofy impossible taxes in the fine print -- to make their fraudulent math add up on paper.
Fairtax fine print about wage, pensions, and operational expenditures tax, are not "accidently" broken up into disjointed pages, in separate parts of HR25. In fact without other Fairtax documents, you could not be sure what hell the legislation even meant. Till you read things like this.....
SO even if you read HR25 carefully, you might not notice. IT's there -- in vague fraudulent ways, but it's there. You need to find and read their other documents closely too.
Rule #1 in fine print tricks -- never put it all in the same place. Spread it around like MSG in a Chinese Buffet.
And it's no accident the hustle -- the sales job by Neal and others -- sounds so great. Most of what they tell you is utter nonsense, but it sounds great. The hustle is not the legislation, and the hustle is not the supporting documents. Yes, the hustle does sound great. But the hustle is meaningless lies, frankly.
Most people, even if they could find all the fine print tricks in Fairtax, are so brainwashed to believe it's a personal retail sales tax, that even if they noticed a few odd things - like "certain wages" definition, they don't give it a second thought. Certain wages? Must be a trivial detail.
How does Fairtax get by with these huge other taxes in the fine print? Give them credit -- the documents from Beacon Hill bend the truth as far as possible, but they would not lie for Fairtax, not exactly. It's in the Beacon Hill documents you can find the assumptions, for example. Very clever -- assume 2+2=5, and anything you posit as a result of that, has to be true.
Fairtax does that -- it "assumes" cities states and counties will pay massive taxes, and raise their tax rates. That kind of thing is in the supporting documents. That's what we mean by fraud.
Hell no Neal didn't tell you. But these and other fine print tricks are in Fairtax documents.
That's why we call Fairtax a "fraud" -- we mean Fairtax is not a consumption tax, a personal retail tax, or any tax. It's not a serious tax plan at all -- it's a fraud. A knowing, deliberate fraud, like penis enlargement pills. You don't need to hide trillions of dollars in fine print tricks, as we define them, if you are not a fraud.
Technically, it might not be a legal fraud unless Fairtax tried to get your money from the lies. But they have raised money from suckers -any money you gave them, you might get back on the basis of fraud. It's worth contacting them and asking for you $ back.
We put up 50,000 dollars if anyone can prove otherwise Fairtax is not a fraud ---in the sense that most of Fairtax pretend revenue is goofy bullshit, and we define goofy bullshit as taxes hidden in the fine print that have nothing to do with personal retail sales taxes.
Do you think Dallas Texas will send in a check for 100 million dollars as a "wage expenditure" tax that is hidden in five disjointed definitions and assumption tricks? There is no way Dallas can even know about these taxes -- how the hell are they gonna pay it?
Read the fine print carefully -- it's spread out, like MSG in a Chinese buffet, but it's there. Definitions, assumptions, footnotes, and their "supporting documents."
If you can't see it right away by careful reading -- see what what President Bush Tax Advisory panel found, and what we found, and then check again.
My house has a front door, and Fairtax has a personal retail sales tax. But there is much much more to my house, and there is much much more to Fairtax.
Neal Boortz was just one of the people paid to sell Fairtax fraud. He made it seem like a very very simple retail sales tax. "Point of purchase" he said -- you will "see it on your cash register receipt".
But most of Fairtax has 1) nothing to do with personal retail sales and 2) has nothing to do with "point of purchase" with a cash register receipt.
But it sounds great!
Prices fall -- take home pay increase average of 50% -- but best of all ---no more double talk! Just a very, very simple "personal retail sales tax".
How can something that sounds that great, be such a goofy fraud?
EASY -- the devil (the tricks) are in the fine print.
Details like 2 trillion dollars in hidden and impossible taxes -- hidden in fine print definitions footnotes, and "assumptions."
For a plan which claims to be "simple" and "transparent" - Fairtax deserve title lying bastards, because most of the plan is deceptive nonsense -- impossible massive hidden taxes. Hidden in the sense that the hustle, the sales part of Fairtax, is nothing like what's in the fine print. And even the fine print is very very slick.
Here is an example --a seemingly casual definition of "certain wages" that's surrounded (camouflaged) by definitions of things like personal courier services, and inventory. Would you expect a trillion dollar tax layer to be snuck in by a definition of "certain wages"?
Why not say "We tax all cities a 23% on all wages pensions and operational expenditures, other than educational expenditures." That's clear -- that's transparent.
The huge "other taxes" are what Neal was paid to lie about, apparently.
Fairtax has their suckers convinced their "plan" is not only rational, but simple and "easily understood". But the 1 million words Fairtax uses in their hustle, in Neal's Books, in the speeches, in the videos, don't even give a clue about these huge other taxes, and of course these other taxes are therefore not transparent.
President Bush Tax Panel 300 words and showed the absurdity of them -- the absurdity of taxes on city, county and state wage expenditures, for example.
IF Fairtax only used the 300 words, in one place, in one document, you would of course spot the fraud right away. If they said "We tax all poor people, including medicare patients, a 23% fed tax on their consumption for cancer surgery and all health care, without exception" -- people would go "are you nuts'? So Fairtax makes sure it uses fine print tricks -- we show thos.
What does Fairtax really tax? See this:
Fairtax "base" is what they tax. They tell you that, if you read every document very, very closely. And in that "tax base" they "put" all consumption, as defined by NIPA, plus other consumption.
They cleverly "define" wages and pensions as "taxable consumption" for "unnatural persons".
Fairtax has a "natural person" tax -- but they also tax "unnatural persons" (cities, counties, states) massive other taxes, on wages, pensions and operational expenditures. But unless you read all the tricky dicky bullshit fine print, you can't possibly know it.
Remember, Fairtax hustlers gave the OPPOSITE impression -- thta it's simply a "personal retail sales tax".
But that "wage" tax would cost Dallas Texas 100 million dollars, - in fact more. All wage and pension and operational "expenditures" are taxed -- all cities and counties must pay a 23% tax on wages, pensions, and non-educational "expenditures"
How do we know -- see the fine print. We show some of it to you.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel showed the hustle years ago. But Fairtax went right on with the fraud -- and it is a fraud. National Review exposed it too -- Fairtax went right on paying guys like Neal to push the fraud.
How about medicare patients cancer surgery and chemo? Is that a retail sale?
While that "definition" of "certain wages" may not seem like a trillion dollar plus tax -- as we show -- it ends up being that, as exposed by President Bush Tax Advisory Panel.
Fine print tricks, by Fairtax frauds, are never in one place at one time. As the President Tax Panel found out, you have to put three four, or even six fine print tricks together, AND see their "supporting documents" to see what they actually tax.
Rather than a "very very simple" retail sales tax, Fairtax is a very very goofy fraud.
For example, all wages, other than education wages, paid by all cities, are taxed. The city has to pay it. Dallas, for example, would owe a stunning 100 million dollars, just on wage and pension expenditure taxes. Yes, pensions are taxed too!

Welcome to the world of Fairtax Fine Print Tricks: as you will see, just because they claim to be "simple and transparent" doesn't mean anything. They claim to be "researched" too -- and as you will see that's fraudulent claim too.
In fact, every basic claim by Fairtax is a fraud -- a distortion of facts. And they went to some lengths to do it, including hiring Neal Boortz to sell the false "narrative" of a simple personal retail sales tax.
We need a new tax code -- that's why we loved the sound of Fairtax. Let's throw our entire tax code out. It's horrible. But Fairtax is not only a possible replacement, it's a goofy impossible fraud. A great sounding fraud -- but if you have a fraud, you might as well make it sound great. And that's what Fairtax did.
President Bush Tax Panel 300 words and showed the absurdity of them -- the absurdity of taxes on city, county and state wage expenditures, for example.
IF Fairtax only used the 300 words, in one place, in one document, you would of course spot the fraud right away. If they said "We tax all poor people, including medicare patients, a 23% fed tax on their consumption for cancer surgery and all health care, without exception" -- people would go "are you nuts'? So Fairtax makes sure it uses fine print tricks -- we show thos.
What does Fairtax really tax? See this:
Fairtax "base" is what they tax. They tell you that, if you read every document very, very closely. And in that "tax base" they "put" all consumption, as defined by NIPA, plus other consumption.
They cleverly "define" wages and pensions as "taxable consumption" for "unnatural persons".
Fairtax has a "natural person" tax -- but they also tax "unnatural persons" (cities, counties, states) massive other taxes, on wages, pensions and operational expenditures. But unless you read all the tricky dicky bullshit fine print, you can't possibly know it.
Remember, Fairtax hustlers gave the OPPOSITE impression -- thta it's simply a "personal retail sales tax".
But that "wage" tax would cost Dallas Texas 100 million dollars, - in fact more. All wage and pension and operational "expenditures" are taxed -- all cities and counties must pay a 23% tax on wages, pensions, and non-educational "expenditures"
How do we know -- see the fine print. We show some of it to you.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel showed the hustle years ago. But Fairtax went right on with the fraud -- and it is a fraud. National Review exposed it too -- Fairtax went right on paying guys like Neal to push the fraud.
How about medicare patients cancer surgery and chemo? Is that a retail sale?
While that "definition" of "certain wages" may not seem like a trillion dollar plus tax -- as we show -- it ends up being that, as exposed by President Bush Tax Advisory Panel.
Fine print tricks, by Fairtax frauds, are never in one place at one time. As the President Tax Panel found out, you have to put three four, or even six fine print tricks together, AND see their "supporting documents" to see what they actually tax.
Rather than a "very very simple" retail sales tax, Fairtax is a very very goofy fraud.
For example, all wages, other than education wages, paid by all cities, are taxed. The city has to pay it. Dallas, for example, would owe a stunning 100 million dollars, just on wage and pension expenditure taxes. Yes, pensions are taxed too!
Welcome to the world of Fairtax Fine Print Tricks: as you will see, just because they claim to be "simple and transparent" doesn't mean anything. They claim to be "researched" too -- and as you will see that's fraudulent claim too.
In fact, every basic claim by Fairtax is a fraud -- a distortion of facts. And they went to some lengths to do it, including hiring Neal Boortz to sell the false "narrative" of a simple personal retail sales tax.
We need a new tax code -- that's why we loved the sound of Fairtax. Let's throw our entire tax code out. It's horrible. But Fairtax is not only a possible replacement, it's a goofy impossible fraud. A great sounding fraud -- but if you have a fraud, you might as well make it sound great. And that's what Fairtax did.
The problem isn't just the hidden taxes -- though well over half of their taxes are hidden in fine print tricks. The problem is their two trillion dollars in hidden taxes are impossible, as we will show. They may as well pretend to tax moonbeams. But putting a "moonbeam" tax will be too obvious, So they hid things like "wage expenditures" and "assumptions" in a few dozen words, and trusted their suckers would be too stupid to notice.
Their suckers were too stupid not notice, but people like me, and National Review economist Bruce Bartlett, and President Bush Tax Panel sure noticed. It wasn't that hard -- just read it carefully.
Fairtax has massive impossible taxes. Why? Do they hate cancer victims? Do they hate cities like Dallas and Chicago?
No -- but they had to make the math add up on paper. If they only taxed retail sales, as you will see, the tax rate would be 89%.
We will show you the fine print tricks -- and show you how those hidden taxes are impossible.
Their suckers were too stupid not notice, but people like me, and National Review economist Bruce Bartlett, and President Bush Tax Panel sure noticed. It wasn't that hard -- just read it carefully.
Fairtax has massive impossible taxes. Why? Do they hate cancer victims? Do they hate cities like Dallas and Chicago?
No -- but they had to make the math add up on paper. If they only taxed retail sales, as you will see, the tax rate would be 89%.
We will show you the fine print tricks -- and show you how those hidden taxes are impossible.
Does this look like a retail sales tax? Over 1 trillion dollars of wages and pensions are taxed. That's not a retail sales tax -- but it's the biggest single tax in Fairtax. And they hid that in the fine print. President Bush Tax Advisory Panel exposed it, and much more......
Small detail -- if 100 million dollar tax on the city of Dallas is small. And that's just for wage "expenditure" tax. Fairtax also taxes all "operational expenditures" other than educational. That's another 80 million dollars, give or take.
Turns out, Fairtax is a great sounding fraud. We call it a fraud because they sell it as a simple personal retail tax, but in the fine print are massive impossible and illegal taxes. When we say impossible, we mean that literally.
All medicare cancer patients, are taxed, 23% on their "consumption" of cancer surgery and chemo. That's impossible, which is why they hid it in the first place. They have, and they know they have, massive impossible taxes in the fine print.
Yes, they do. We put up the 50K -- to prove that. It's not really a "fair" reward, because Fairtax isn't a personal retail sales tax, it's layers upon layers of impossible taxes, -- ONE layer of rational taxes -- the retail sales tax. So Fairtax, as sold by Boortz, is a fraud in the sense that it's actually layers of other taxes, on top of retail sales taxes, and many billions of dollars of these "other" taxes are impossible, unconstitutional, and or goofy as hell. And -- they knew it, which is why they hid it in fine print tricks.
The retail tax is not the problem, remember that. The 4 dollar tax on a toaster, is not the problem. The 23 dollar tax on a jacket is not the problem.
The 2 trillion dollars in other taxes -- that's the problem. And that's the fraud --what we call a fraud.
Yes, they do. We put up the 50K -- to prove that. It's not really a "fair" reward, because Fairtax isn't a personal retail sales tax, it's layers upon layers of impossible taxes, -- ONE layer of rational taxes -- the retail sales tax. So Fairtax, as sold by Boortz, is a fraud in the sense that it's actually layers of other taxes, on top of retail sales taxes, and many billions of dollars of these "other" taxes are impossible, unconstitutional, and or goofy as hell. And -- they knew it, which is why they hid it in fine print tricks.
The retail tax is not the problem, remember that. The 4 dollar tax on a toaster, is not the problem. The 23 dollar tax on a jacket is not the problem.
The 2 trillion dollars in other taxes -- that's the problem. And that's the fraud --what we call a fraud.
A FOX News reporter asked Neal about the tax on cancer surgery -- Neal tried to wiggle out of it, but said "Sorry, we can't play favorites." Neal tried to change the subject, but admitted there are "no exceptions" for any cancer patient, even poor ones.
When asked HOW the poor could pay taxes on cancer treatments, Neal said "Oh don't worry, we save them so much money it won't matter." Actually, of course, it will matter, cause no medicare patient has 40,000 to pay as a tax, or they would n ot qualify for medicare.
Why would Fairtax tax cancer victims? For the same reason they tax wages and pensions (see below). For the same reason they have a 100+ million dollar tax on Dallas Texas city for wage and pension expenditures -- To make their math add up.
They know cancer victims can't won't and shouldn't pay huge federal taxes on "consumption" of goods and services used to stay alive. But unless they taxed it, on paper, their math would not add up.
Don't you think Fairtax should tell people about the tax on cancer surgery and chemo, other than hiding it in fine print tricks like this:
Fairtax does tell you about the other taxes-- if you read enough of their documents very very closely.
The problem is that the "important stuff" is only in about 300 words, spread out over half a dozen documents. Well camouflaged and spread out, as they say.
As President Bush Tax Panel learned, all that nonsense about "personal retail sales" and "a simple personal retail tax" is not in the fine print.
SO you have to ignore the great sounding hustle, and ignore most of 1 million words, because there are only 300 words or so about the other taxes, which are completely OPPOSITE of the hustle. The massive taxes on cities,for example, is in a few words, in disjointed sentences, in sub paragraphs far apart from each other. In fact, you need other Fairtax documents to make sense of it.
When Neal and others talk about taxing consumption, you think they mean retail purchases. Ohhhhh no. They tell you that -- they tell you thousands of times, Fairtax is a very simple retail sales tax. But the retail sales is only about 1/4 of it.
And Neal knows that. He knows YOU think it's a personal retail sales tax, because he tried for years to frame it like that.
But look at the fine print -- it's the only way to see Neal and others are lying their asses off. See the fine print. like Fairtax definition of "consumption" in one of their slick documents, "TAXING SALES"
Do you know how NIPA defines consumption? Hell no you don't know. And Fairtax hustlers know you don't know. It means, essentially, everything. All government wages, pensions and benefits, all cancer surgery, all nursing home care, everything.
Your city operates a library system? Thats in the "consumption". Your city pays wages and pensions" That's in the "consumption" So that, and much much more, is taxed.
Your state builds a new prisons or sports stadium? That's in the consumption, so it's taxed. Your state has to pay a 23% tax.
They tax everything in what NIPA defines as "personal consumption" and 'governmental consumption" expenditures. Pretty cool huh!
Sure -- Neal and the other yap about personal retail sales tax, well, that's part of it -- a small part. That's the part Neal was paid, yes paid, to sell, fraudulently or not. He got paid to sell that part.
Neal was NOT paid to tell you the truth. In fact, he was paid to lie to you.
President Bush Tax Panel could read all 30 documents -- most of which you will never see -- and look up the definition of consumption per "NIPA". Yes, their documents say that is their guidline, "more or less" . They tax whatever is in the NIPA!
NO -- not just retail sales, not just retail consumption. Neal was paid to put the spin on it, and to lie if necessary.
President Bush Tax Panel, and others like National Review, understood the hustle. YOu have absolutely no chance to understand the hustle if you only read the FAIRTAX BOOK or listen to Neal or guys like him. That IS the hustle -- Neal's book was part of the hustle.
You have to read the fine print tricks to understand the hustle.
NIPA include health care and cancer surgery. It also includes all wages and pensions "expended" by every city county and state. So that's what Fairtax taxes. They told you -- didn't they -- that they tax what the NIPA considers "consumption"? Yes, that is what they said in one of their sentences -- part of the 300 words that matter.
It's not exactly lying - cause they did tell you somewhere, if you read far enough, long enough, and didn't pay attention to the other 99.7% of the hustle. Cool huh.
Remember, Fairtax claims it's a "personal" retail sales tax. But they have about 2 trillion dollars in taxes on cities and counties and states. How is that "personal"?
Fine print tricks -- remember, we told you that's how they do this hustle. Fine print tricks.
First, look what they claim to their suckers --on their web page. Their opening statement is that they are a retail sales tax on personal consumption.
This word -- one word -- in a sub sub sub paragraph, according to David Kendal, PhD and James Bennett, an attorney, both official Fairtax spokesmen, said YES, this is the "legal basis" for the tax on all cities, all counties, and all states.
How's that for simple and transparent?
Technically, Fairtax did tell you. That's how President Bush Tax Advisory Panel found it. Somewhere, in some remote document, some devious double definition, some footnote, some "assumption" it's all there.
The fine print is there SOMEWHERE. Not in one place, of course, and never clear. If they put it clearly even suckers would know it's bullshit.
Now- - think of that a minute. Think all cancer victims can will and should pay very high taxes on their cancer and other health care consumption?
Should people have to untangle the goofy fine print to figure it out?
Fairtax never says this candidly, anywhere at anytime, to anyone. They sure as hell didn't tell Dallas about -- or Mobile Alabama, or Eugene Oregon, or any city. They actually hid it as much as humanly possible -- we show you how below.
Pay a cop 100K in pay and benefits -- your city has to pay 23K to the fed government.
Operate a library system for 10 million dollars -- your city has to pay 2.3 million in taxes! Don't you think Neal should have told you about this?
If they paid Neal to tell the truth -- Im sure he would have.
If Fairtax were transparent -- your city would know it would be liable. SO call and ask. Your mayor will think you lost your mind.
A FOX News reporter asked Neal about the tax on cancer surgery -- Neal tried to wiggle out of it, but said "Sorry, we can't play favorites." Neal tried to change the subject, but admitted there are "no exceptions" for any cancer patient, even poor ones.
When asked HOW the poor could pay taxes on cancer treatments, Neal said "Oh don't worry, we save them so much money it won't matter." Actually, of course, it will matter, cause no medicare patient has 40,000 to pay as a tax, or they would n ot qualify for medicare.
Why would Fairtax tax cancer victims? For the same reason they tax wages and pensions (see below). For the same reason they have a 100+ million dollar tax on Dallas Texas city for wage and pension expenditures -- To make their math add up.
They know cancer victims can't won't and shouldn't pay huge federal taxes on "consumption" of goods and services used to stay alive. But unless they taxed it, on paper, their math would not add up.
Don't you think Fairtax should tell people about the tax on cancer surgery and chemo, other than hiding it in fine print tricks like this:
Fairtax does tell you about the other taxes-- if you read enough of their documents very very closely.
The problem is that the "important stuff" is only in about 300 words, spread out over half a dozen documents. Well camouflaged and spread out, as they say.
As President Bush Tax Panel learned, all that nonsense about "personal retail sales" and "a simple personal retail tax" is not in the fine print.
SO you have to ignore the great sounding hustle, and ignore most of 1 million words, because there are only 300 words or so about the other taxes, which are completely OPPOSITE of the hustle. The massive taxes on cities,for example, is in a few words, in disjointed sentences, in sub paragraphs far apart from each other. In fact, you need other Fairtax documents to make sense of it.
When Neal and others talk about taxing consumption, you think they mean retail purchases. Ohhhhh no. They tell you that -- they tell you thousands of times, Fairtax is a very simple retail sales tax. But the retail sales is only about 1/4 of it.
And Neal knows that. He knows YOU think it's a personal retail sales tax, because he tried for years to frame it like that.
But look at the fine print -- it's the only way to see Neal and others are lying their asses off. See the fine print. like Fairtax definition of "consumption" in one of their slick documents, "TAXING SALES"
Do you know how NIPA defines consumption? Hell no you don't know. And Fairtax hustlers know you don't know. It means, essentially, everything. All government wages, pensions and benefits, all cancer surgery, all nursing home care, everything.
Your city operates a library system? Thats in the "consumption". Your city pays wages and pensions" That's in the "consumption" So that, and much much more, is taxed.
Your state builds a new prisons or sports stadium? That's in the consumption, so it's taxed. Your state has to pay a 23% tax.
They tax everything in what NIPA defines as "personal consumption" and 'governmental consumption" expenditures. Pretty cool huh!
Sure -- Neal and the other yap about personal retail sales tax, well, that's part of it -- a small part. That's the part Neal was paid, yes paid, to sell, fraudulently or not. He got paid to sell that part.
Neal was NOT paid to tell you the truth. In fact, he was paid to lie to you.
President Bush Tax Panel could read all 30 documents -- most of which you will never see -- and look up the definition of consumption per "NIPA". Yes, their documents say that is their guidline, "more or less" . They tax whatever is in the NIPA!
NO -- not just retail sales, not just retail consumption. Neal was paid to put the spin on it, and to lie if necessary.
President Bush Tax Panel, and others like National Review, understood the hustle. YOu have absolutely no chance to understand the hustle if you only read the FAIRTAX BOOK or listen to Neal or guys like him. That IS the hustle -- Neal's book was part of the hustle.
You have to read the fine print tricks to understand the hustle.
NIPA include health care and cancer surgery. It also includes all wages and pensions "expended" by every city county and state. So that's what Fairtax taxes. They told you -- didn't they -- that they tax what the NIPA considers "consumption"? Yes, that is what they said in one of their sentences -- part of the 300 words that matter.
It's not exactly lying - cause they did tell you somewhere, if you read far enough, long enough, and didn't pay attention to the other 99.7% of the hustle. Cool huh.
Remember, Fairtax claims it's a "personal" retail sales tax. But they have about 2 trillion dollars in taxes on cities and counties and states. How is that "personal"?
First, look what they claim to their suckers --on their web page. Their opening statement is that they are a retail sales tax on personal consumption.
This word -- one word -- in a sub sub sub paragraph, according to David Kendal, PhD and James Bennett, an attorney, both official Fairtax spokesmen, said YES, this is the "legal basis" for the tax on all cities, all counties, and all states.
How's that for simple and transparent?
Technically, Fairtax did tell you. That's how President Bush Tax Advisory Panel found it. Somewhere, in some remote document, some devious double definition, some footnote, some "assumption" it's all there.
The fine print is there SOMEWHERE. Not in one place, of course, and never clear. If they put it clearly even suckers would know it's bullshit.
Now- - think of that a minute. Think all cancer victims can will and should pay very high taxes on their cancer and other health care consumption?
Should people have to untangle the goofy fine print to figure it out?
Fairtax never says this candidly, anywhere at anytime, to anyone. They sure as hell didn't tell Dallas about -- or Mobile Alabama, or Eugene Oregon, or any city. They actually hid it as much as humanly possible -- we show you how below.
Operate a library system for 10 million dollars -- your city has to pay 2.3 million in taxes! Don't you think Neal should have told you about this?
If they paid Neal to tell the truth -- Im sure he would have.
If Fairtax were transparent -- your city would know it would be liable. SO call and ask. Your mayor will think you lost your mind.
Only a small part of it is a personal retail sales tax.
And there is no way to collect these taxes, even if Fairtax were candid about them. The fed gov can not impose taxes this way, on city county or states. It would take a Constitutional Amendment -- another "detail" Fairtax leaves out.
There is no way to collect these taxes, even if Fairtax were candid about them. The fed gov can not impose taxes this way, on city county or states. It would take a Constitutional Amendment -- another "detail" Fairtax leaves out.
And yet, no one at Fairtax has told city and states about it -- no way for city and states to know unless they read the fine print very very closely. Yet James Bennett, who has to be one of the dumbest Fairtax "spokesmen" insists "it's clear enough already". How it is clear? Fairtax pretends to be a very simple personal retail sales tax. It's not clear that city county and states have to pay a fed tax of 23% on anything, much less on all wages pensions and operational expenditures.
Welcome to the world of Fairtax Fine Print Tricks.
Feel like a sucker yet? You should. Don't be so easily fooled next time.....
Fairtax claimed 600,000 volunteers, back in 2004. Not 600,000 supporters, 600,000 volunteers! Where are they? In political movement, such as Ross Perot in 1992, there were 100,000 volunteers and they had over 1000 offices, you saw Perot people at every county fair, every public cook out, every parade, handing out pamphlets. Strange the 600,000 volunteers were so hard to spot.
Furthermore, on Twitter, for example, there seems to be Fairtax Bots doing the same deceptive tweets endlessly. The few people -- real people -- that comment, probably have no idea what's Fairtax really is.
The national "calendar" at Fairtax web sites show months went by without any events, maybe a random meeting at a cafe in Georgia one week, and some meeting at a guys house in New Jersey. But for 600,000 "grass roots" supporters, this seems a very very modest outpouring.
Read the fine print -- see if it's even rational, much less simple.
Can a medicare patient with breast cancer pay 40,000 dollars in fed taxes?
Kotlikoff-- apparently paid by Fairtax but read his fine print carefully. He may bend the truth, but he would not exactly lie. |
Ironically it's Fairtax own documents -- which seem on the surface to boast about the plan -- that show the hustle. Beacon Hill put out dozens of documents about Fairtax. They were paid to do so, though they "forget" to mention that.
Read their "supporting documents" closely - like this one:
This tricky definition of consumption is quite massive -- it includes all cancer surgery, because it includes EVERYTHING consumed or expended by "natural persons" or city county and states into a "tax base" Then it "removes" a few things - like education expenditures-- from the base.
But everything is in the tax base (including wages pensions) unless it is removed. Very slick.
Whatever is "in the tax base" they tax. Cancer consumption is in the tax base.
All wages and pensions and "fairmarket value" of all military pay, pensions, and benefits, are in the tax base.
Dallas Texas city wages, pensions and benefits -- are in the tax base. Your city county and state wages pensions and benefits and operational expenditures -- are in the tax base.
That means -- by definition -- Fairtax taxes them.
For example, is this a retail sales tax?

Fairtax cleverly defines cities as "special people" who must pay taxes on "certain" wages and pension expenditures. And by "certain" they mean all wages and pensions and operational expenditures, other than education wages and pensions and operational expenditures.
President Bush Tax Advisory Panel had no trouble finding it -- they just read the fine print carefully.
That's over 1.5 trillion dollars, in raised taxed on city county and state level. See why you need to read the fine print carefully? Especially when lying bastards use it to fool you?
This is in the fine print -- and it's how Fairtax math adds up. Without these massive taxes on city county and states, the 23% retail tax rate would have to go to over 80%.
Oh -- and by the way - Fairtax fine print "assumes" cities will raise their tax rates to pay. Another thing Neal "forgot" to mention.
_____________________________________________ James Bennett, Fairtax spokesmen, says (idiotically) "it could have been stated more clearly" but "it's clear enough" and they have no need or plan to explain these massive wage and expenditure taxes further. Read these definitions -- see if Dallas should know, by these words, that it would owe 100 million dollars! See if Mobile should know they would owe 25 million. Who would they even send it to? If you think this is clear enough, you are a perfect Fairtax sucker.
Dallas would owe over 100 million -- Cook County over 150 million. Do you seriously believe it's rational, possible, and "transparent" to hide a few dozen words in different definitions, to get over 1 trillion in revenue?
_____________________________________________________ Here are the wages of the "unnatural" person Mobile Alabama Mobile has 118 million -- yes million -- in " wage expenditures". Mobile would owe also that same 23% tax on pensions, and all operational expenditures (other than education) per Fairtax fine print. You can do the math -- Mobile would owe over 25 million dollars in fed tax on it's own wages. Cute huh? Do that math for your own city. Then ask yourself if Boortz is a lying bastard or not. ___________________________________________________ |
Did you know Fairtax taxes most city county and state wages and pensions in the USA?
Even military pay and pensions are taxed.
Did you know that or not? No, the employee does not pay it, the city county state or fed gov pays it.
Wages and salaries and pension "expenditures" taxed. You can't get that from reading just one of the definitions -- you have to read them all, and put them together. That was no trouble for President Bush Tax Advisory Panel, who exposed this in 2004.
And guess where you find it? In the footnotes, fine print, and definition tricks, in Fairtax hustle.
No, the person, the soldier, or cop, or firemen, don't pay that tax. The "employer" has to pay it.
Dallas, for example, would have to pay 23% tax on all wages and pensions it pays it's police and firemen. All such wages pensions and "fair market value" of all benefits whatsoever, are taxed.
It's in the fine print. But it's only in the fine print in very clever and deceptive ways. By the way -- Fairtax fine print cleverly says "we assume" cities counties and states will "increase their tax rates appropriately"
Yeah -- increase all city taxes, appropriately. Increase all county taxes, appropriately, increase all state taxes, appropriately. That's not what we say-- that's what in Fairtax document fine print.
Importantly, the books videos and speeches give exactly the opposite impression -- and have no mention,much less explanation, of these other massive taxes.__________________________________________________
But Fairtax is a PERSONAL consumption tax? Right? I mean they say that, Neal Boortz said it's a "very very simple" personal retail sales tax. Very simple.
Mike Rawlings Mayor of Dallas, would be a tad bit surprised if suddenly his city had to pay 100 million or more in "wage expenditure" taxes. Why would Mike be surprised -- because he, and every other mayor, every other county official, every other state official, was never told about it.
It's only in the cleverly scattered fine print tricks: like defining all cities as a person.
So when Boortz tells you its a "simple PERSONAL retail sales tax" that's only true if definitions are reversed somewhere - and we show you the tricky - dicky definition below.
Yes, in a sub subparagrph, in a list of boring definitions, they insert one word -- in a series of words -- to define a person as "any government".
Fairtax officials David Kendall, James Bennett, and Fairtax blogger Ross Calloway, admit, even brag, that this definition -- is Section 2a, subsection 7, is their "legal basis" for the tax on every city and every county in the USA.
That's right -- that one word, in their long definition -- is their "legal basis" according to their own spokesmen David Kendall and James Bennett, for the tax on all cities, all counties, and all states.
All researched?
All researched?
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Jorgenson's research did not support Fairtax, nor anything like it. |
We offered 50,000 dollars (seriously) if Neal could show any research whatsoever that proved Fairtax was a simple personal consumption tax, as he claimed. He could donate that to charity, or keep it.
Why not show that research he talked about? Even without a 50K offer, why not show it?
But especially with a 50K offer -- why not show it? Amazing. They don't have to show the research is fool proof, just that real research took place, that is factually about a personal retail sales tax of 23% that would replace all other fed taxes.
Remember, Neal claimed it was valid because of the research- who why not show it?
We are still waiting.
Here are the wages for the police department.
One million of that is for training -- which is "exempt". All other wage, pension and operational expenditures are taxed, by Fairtax.
This is NOT in dispute. Fairtax spokesmen Davis Kendall, PhD, and James Bennett, attorney, both admit yes, these wage taxes are in Fairtax. In fact, the taxes on your city and county and state make up about half of Fairtax revenue.
But you have to find that out by reading the fine print, not just the definitions, which are separated and deceptive -- but read the "supporting documents" which have things like this:

SO why not say this clearly? Why pretend Fairtax is a "Very very simple personal retail sales tax"? Why do you need a panel of experts to find these fine print tricks?
When people hide something -- in this case in clever fine print tricks, in definitions in footnotes (yes, the old footnote trick) it's for a very simple reason -- they don't want you to know.
According to testimony to Ways Means Committee, in June of 2011, Fairtax revenue projections, when using the actual taxes in the fine print, is represented in the chart above. Massive taxes on city governments -- is just one example.
David Kendall, and James Bennett, one a PhD the other attorney, are both official spokesmen for Fairtax.
Does Fairtax really tax all city county and states on wages, pensions, and all operational expenditures, other than eduction?
Yes, they said, after first trying to evade the question. Both confirm these "other taxes" exists -- they have to, it's in the fine print.
But neither will explain why these massive other taxes are NOT in the books, videos or speeches. And why even in the fine print, it's in footnotes, or tricky definitions.
Kendall and Bennett insist it's "clear enough" in the fine print.
Kendall says " We are just asking city and states to pay their fair share."
Asking? Is Kendall kidding or out of his mind? If Dallas "expends" or pays out 100 million in wages, they would owe 23 million in fed taxes. You ask them to pay 23 million dollars in wage tax, by a tricky ambiguous definition? That's asking?
Kendall would not respond. We have tried to get him to explain how he meant they "are simply asking". He won't do it.
James Bennett, another Fairtax official spokesmen, also tries to explain away the 1.5 Trillion dollars in taxes on city county and states. He claims "It's not that much" -- but won't tell us how much it is. Nor will anyone at Fairtax give any estimates for what any specific city, county, or state would have to pay.
William Gale, President Bush Tax Advisory Panel, exposed the Fine Print Tricks
There is no research that backs what Neal said -- in fact, all studies done actually refute what he claimed.
Neal claimed, no plan was ever researched more! 22 million dollars worth, Neal said.
But he can not show 22 cents worth. Not 22 dollars worth.
We even offered 50,000 dollars if Neal would just show one page of it -- one page. Just show one page of any of his so called "research" about a very simple personal retail consumption tax to replace all other fed taxes. Donate it to charity, whatever.
Boortz's "Fairtax Book" makes it seem like Jorgenson is the "world's leading authority" on embedded taxes, and that his research was the basis for Fairtax. He made it seem like Jorgenson proved all the great claims Boortz made.
Nonsense. Two weeks after Boortz book came out, CNN interviewed Jorgenson. Jorgenson's research does not show -- at all -- what Boortz said about embedded taxes. A huge fed tax will not -- not - cause prices to drop, as Boortz said, nor did Jorgenson ever say otherwise.
Furthermore, Jorgenson did not even address the goofy other taxes in the fine print -- we show you those below.
Neal Boortz had to admit this on FOX NEWS, when a reporter suddenly asked him about cancer taxes, even on the poor. Do you really tax cancer surgery and chemo?
"Of course" said Neal, like it was no big thing. Do you exempt the poor from taxes on cancer? "Sorry" said Neal, hoping to change the subject "we can't play favorites".
But how will the poor pay these taxes? The average cost of breast cancer in 170K. How on earth will a poor person pay that tax?
"Oh don't worry" said Neal, "We save her so much money, it won't be a problem".
But that FOX reporter accidentally uncovered on of Fairtax many hidden taxes -- cancer taxes. No one knew that before. Is a cancer tax even rational? Why should a breast cancer victim be liable for a 40K fed tax?
How about "wage and pension" expenditure tax on cities? Dallas, Chicago, Keokuk Iowa, Steamboat Springs -- every city. Did you know your city would owe fed taxes on all wage and pension expenditures? (And much more)
Is Fairtax going to save Dallas 40 million dollars in wage and pension expenditure? Is that why they hid this in separate fine print tricks? Is that why they dont mention this in 10,000 speeches, one million or more words on their videos and books?
Sioux CIty Iowa Police "EXPENDITURES" |
One million of that is for training -- which is "exempt". All other wage, pension and operational expenditures are taxed, by Fairtax.
This is NOT in dispute. Fairtax spokesmen Davis Kendall, PhD, and James Bennett, attorney, both admit yes, these wage taxes are in Fairtax. In fact, the taxes on your city and county and state make up about half of Fairtax revenue.
But you have to find that out by reading the fine print, not just the definitions, which are separated and deceptive -- but read the "supporting documents" which have things like this:
SO why not say this clearly? Why pretend Fairtax is a "Very very simple personal retail sales tax"? Why do you need a panel of experts to find these fine print tricks?
When people hide something -- in this case in clever fine print tricks, in definitions in footnotes (yes, the old footnote trick) it's for a very simple reason -- they don't want you to know.
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According to testimony to Ways Means Committee, in June of 2011, Fairtax revenue projections, when using the actual taxes in the fine print, is represented in the chart above. Massive taxes on city governments -- is just one example.
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David Kendall, and James Bennett, one a PhD the other attorney, are both official spokesmen for Fairtax.
Does Fairtax really tax all city county and states on wages, pensions, and all operational expenditures, other than eduction?
Yes, they said, after first trying to evade the question. Both confirm these "other taxes" exists -- they have to, it's in the fine print.
But neither will explain why these massive other taxes are NOT in the books, videos or speeches. And why even in the fine print, it's in footnotes, or tricky definitions.
Kendall and Bennett insist it's "clear enough" in the fine print.
Kendall says " We are just asking city and states to pay their fair share."
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Asking? Is Kendall kidding or out of his mind? If Dallas "expends" or pays out 100 million in wages, they would owe 23 million in fed taxes. You ask them to pay 23 million dollars in wage tax, by a tricky ambiguous definition? That's asking?
Kendall would not respond. We have tried to get him to explain how he meant they "are simply asking". He won't do it.
James Bennett, another Fairtax official spokesmen, also tries to explain away the 1.5 Trillion dollars in taxes on city county and states. He claims "It's not that much" -- but won't tell us how much it is. Nor will anyone at Fairtax give any estimates for what any specific city, county, or state would have to pay.
William Gale, President Bush Tax Advisory Panel, exposed the Fine Print Tricks
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Jorgenson said his research showed no such thing. |
There is no research that backs what Neal said -- in fact, all studies done actually refute what he claimed.
Neal claimed, no plan was ever researched more! 22 million dollars worth, Neal said.
But he can not show 22 cents worth. Not 22 dollars worth.
We even offered 50,000 dollars if Neal would just show one page of it -- one page. Just show one page of any of his so called "research" about a very simple personal retail consumption tax to replace all other fed taxes. Donate it to charity, whatever.
Boortz's "Fairtax Book" makes it seem like Jorgenson is the "world's leading authority" on embedded taxes, and that his research was the basis for Fairtax. He made it seem like Jorgenson proved all the great claims Boortz made.
Nonsense. Two weeks after Boortz book came out, CNN interviewed Jorgenson. Jorgenson's research does not show -- at all -- what Boortz said about embedded taxes. A huge fed tax will not -- not - cause prices to drop, as Boortz said, nor did Jorgenson ever say otherwise.
Furthermore, Jorgenson did not even address the goofy other taxes in the fine print -- we show you those below.
Neal Boortz had to admit this on FOX NEWS, when a reporter suddenly asked him about cancer taxes, even on the poor. Do you really tax cancer surgery and chemo?
"Of course" said Neal, like it was no big thing. Do you exempt the poor from taxes on cancer? "Sorry" said Neal, hoping to change the subject "we can't play favorites".
But how will the poor pay these taxes? The average cost of breast cancer in 170K. How on earth will a poor person pay that tax?
"Oh don't worry" said Neal, "We save her so much money, it won't be a problem".
But that FOX reporter accidentally uncovered on of Fairtax many hidden taxes -- cancer taxes. No one knew that before. Is a cancer tax even rational? Why should a breast cancer victim be liable for a 40K fed tax?
Keep in mind, Neal Boortz knows all cancer victims, without exception, would be personally liable for 40K fed tax on their "consumption" of cancer services or products. He said on FOX news -- to a direct question he could not evade -- that Fairtax applies to cancer victims regardless of their income. " He then said "Don't worry, we save them (cancer victims) so much, it won't matter".
How about "wage and pension" expenditure tax on cities? Dallas, Chicago, Keokuk Iowa, Steamboat Springs -- every city. Did you know your city would owe fed taxes on all wage and pension expenditures? (And much more)
Is Fairtax going to save Dallas 40 million dollars in wage and pension expenditure? Is that why they hid this in separate fine print tricks? Is that why they dont mention this in 10,000 speeches, one million or more words on their videos and books?
Once Fairtax suckers realize something is very strange about the fine print, they might say, "I have more research to do".
Here is a clue -- research is not reading the hustle again.
Ask any Fairtax spokesmen one or two questions like this:
1) How much wage and expenditure tax would my city have to pay, assuming 118 million dollar wage and pension expenditure?
2) How and why would the parents of a child with a serious life threatening illness, like leukemia pay a 70,000 fed tax on their "consumption" of health care goods and services?
The person you ask may have no clue these huge taxes (and others) are in the fine print. But some Fairtax spokesmen do know.
They will try to weasel out of it -- the common answer is -- well, that doesn't make any difference (as for wage expenditure taxes) because "they pay that anyway".
As if Dallas will send in 100 million dollars because of the fine print trick, if someone tells them "hey, pay up, you were paying it anyway".
Saying they were paying it anyway is bull --of course. But Fairtax spokesmen are like cult members.
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